
cí diǎn
  • magnetic dot
磁点[cí diǎn]
  1. 直流装置弱磁点的设置对恒张力控制系统的影响

    Influence of the Setting of DC Equipment Weakening Magnetic Point on Constant Tension Control System

  2. 讨论了在最大转矩法恒张力控制过程中,直流调速装置中弱磁点的设置对张力以及调速范围的影响,并给出了弱磁点设置的参考方法。

    In this paper , the influence of the setting weakening magnetic point in DC speed adjustor on tension and the range of speed adjustment , in max torque constant tension control system is discussed . And the referenced method of setting weakening magnetic point is introduced .

  3. 磁共振点簇状高信号对周围型肺癌的鉴别诊断意义及其病理基础

    Significance of Cluster High Signal Intensity Spots on T_2WI MRI in Differentiation of Histological Types of Lung Cancer

  4. 研究结果表明,磁抵消点温度与热磁历史和外加磁场的大小有关。

    The results show that the magnetic compensation temperature ( Tcomp ) has something to do with thermal history and the magnitude of the external magnetic field .

  5. 耦合于铁磁电极量子点系统的Fano-Kondo效应

    Fano-Kondo Effect in Quantum Dots System Coupled to Ferromagnetic Leads

  6. 神经形状对磁刺激兴奋点定位的影响

    Effect of nerve shape on location of exciting site of magnetic stimulation

  7. 相间磁干扰对点式光学电流互感器影响的研究

    Research of disturbance caused by magnetic crosstalk within point type optical current transformer

  8. 铁磁质居里点演示实验

    A demonstration experiment of Curie point of ferromagnetic material

  9. 耦合于铁磁电极双量子点系统的自旋极化输运

    Spin-Polarized Transport Through the Double Quantum Dots System Coupled to Ferromagnetic Leads

  10. 用示波器测量铁磁物质的居里点

    Measuring the Curie temperature of ferromagnetic substance by oscilloscope

  11. 目的实现在目标区域内的电磁场聚焦,解决功能磁刺激的兴奋点定位问题。

    Objective To locate the activation point in functional magnetic stimulation ( FMS ) .

  12. 铁磁相变的尖点突变模型

    Acme mutation model of ferromagnetic phase change

  13. 分析指出,这种等效变换的适用条件是“磁荷可视为点磁荷”。

    It is stated that the condition for holding the equivalent transformation is that a magnetic charge can be taken as a point magnetic charge .

  14. 本文介绍用航磁数据计算居里点深度的原理及方法并给出计算方框图。

    In this paper , the priciple and methods of the Curie Point depth calculation by aeromagnetic data are introduced and block diagrams of computation are given .

  15. 本文用互易定理,给出一种确定磁偶极子空间任意点的磁场的方法。

    This article gives a description of a method to ascertain the magnetic field at any arbitrary point of magnetic dipole space by a kind of reciprocity principle .

  16. 膨胀环的头总是倾向于弱源的足点,因为它是来自2个足点磁压的平衡点。

    The head of the expanding loop always tended to the foot point of the weak source , because it was equilibrium point of magnetic pressures coming from two foot points .

  17. 关于永磁机构中永磁工作点的讨论

    Discussion on the working point of permanent magnet in permanent magnet actuator

  18. 对自励磁发电过程进行计算,确定自励磁建压工作点。

    Calculated the parameters of self-excitation generating process and confirmed the working node where could making voltage of self-excitation .

  19. 以典型的差动式和桥式极化磁系统为研究对象,给出了求解极化磁系统永磁工作点的两种方法&图解法和解析法。

    The typical differential type and bridge type of polarized magnet system were studied in this paper . The two methods of solving operating point for the polarized magnet system were acquired , namely , the diagram method and analysis method .