
  1. 以磁性物理学理论为指导,以试验和有限元模拟为手段,主要研究了应力对试件表面泄漏磁场的影响,探索了铁磁材料力&磁效应的物理机制。

    Based on the magneto-physics theory , and by experiments and finite element method , the influences of stress on magnetic flux leakage ( MFL ) of ferromagnetic materials were studied , the mechanism of magnetic memory method were also discussed .

  2. 因瓦问题涉及到3d过渡族金属及合金的铁磁性起源,因此一直是磁性物理学中最重要的研究课题之一。

    Because Invar problem is closely connected with the physical origin of ferromagnetism in 3d transition metals and alloys , it has been one of the most important subjects in the field of magnetic physics .