
  • 网络magnetic disorder
  1. 对于大尺寸系统,这些效应一般可能被平均效应掩盖;对于小尺寸系统,如微纳尺度的磁电阻材料,磁无序导致的磁电阻涨落明显表现出结构相关性。

    For systems of larger size , this effect may be covered after averaging . But for small systems , such as magnetotransport materials at micro-nano scales , the MR ratio shows an obvious structure-dependence of the MR fluctuations due to magnetic disorder .

  2. 当温度高于15K时,转变为顺磁性,表现出磁无序结构。

    At above 15 K , such compound exhibited paramagnetic behavior and the disordered magnetic structure .

  3. 实验结果表明:磁稀释和无序效应在决定样品的磁性和电输运性质方面起到了重要的作用。

    Our results show that magnetic dilution and disorder effects play an important role in magnetic and electrical transport properties for the Ga-doped samples .

  4. Ga~(3+)掺杂引入的磁稀释和无序效应以及多晶样品中存在的晶界效应是决定样品磁性和输运性质的主要原因。

    Magnetic dilution and disorder effects caused by Ga doping as well as grain boundaries effects in polycrystalline samples should be responsible for the experimental results .

  5. 在T>TC区域,电阻率、磁电阻都随温度的升高而迅速下降,样品在高温(TC附近及T>TC区域)的这一行为可用双交换(DE)模型与非磁无序来说明。

    This behaviors can be explained by double exchange ( DE ) model and nonmagnetic randomness .