
  • 【航天】permeability measurement
  1. 非晶材料脉冲磁导率测量方法

    A method for measuring pulsed permeability of magnetic amorphous materials

  2. 本文介绍了非晶材料脉冲磁导率测量方法。

    This paper introduced a method for measuring pulsed permeability in magnetic amorphous ribbons under pulsed field .

  3. 脉冲磁导率的测量方法与研究

    The Method Measured and Studied of Pulse Magnetic Permeability

  4. 金属磁性薄膜良好的导电性和微小的体积,使得在复磁导率的测量中对膜片位置的精确定位、测量仪器的精度和匹配等提出较高的要求。

    The excellent conductivity and small volume of the metallic magnetic thin films leads to the high requirements on film position in the cavity , the precision and match of the devices .

  5. 载流导体的磁场力及真空磁导率的巧测量

    Measurement of magnetic field force and permeability of vacuum

  6. 根据电磁感应的基本原理,设计了可连续实时测量液态金属在降温过程中等效磁导率随温度变化的金属等效磁导率测量仪。

    In this paper , according to the law of electromagnetic induction , the device measuring the equivalent susceptibility of metals was designed , which can real-time measure the change of the equivalent susceptibility of liquid metals during the cooling process .