
yìng tǔ
  • Hard soil;pan soil;hard bottom
硬土[yìng tǔ]
  1. 二是结构周期大于2.5s后以硬土场地等延性强度折减系数谱或等强度延性需求谱代替软土场地谱求解系统强度需求或延性需求,将会得到偏于安全的结果。

    The constant ductility inelastic spectrum of strength reduction factors or ductility demand spectrum with constant strength reduction factors on hard site can be used to overestimate the seismic displacement demands or the seismic strength demands on soft site when the period of the structure is larger than 2.5s .

  2. 硬土&软岩的厘定及其判别分类

    Definition of hard soil - soft rock and its discrimination and classification

  3. 研究表明洛阳组黏土岩具有典型的软岩硬土特征。

    The claystone of the Luoyang Formation has properties of hard soil-soft rock .

  4. 硬土-软岩工程地质信息管理分析系统及其应用

    The Hard Clay-Soft Rock Engineering Geological Information Management and Analysis System and Its Application

  5. 物理和生物科学是在罗马昌盛的硬土上枯萎而死的。

    Physical and biological science wilted and died on the stony soil of Roman prosperity .

  6. 选择用于结构时程分析实测地震记录的方法&岩石硬土(Ⅰ类)场地

    Methods for Selecting Records on Rock / Stiff Soil Sites used in Time History Analysis

  7. 上海湖沼平原浅层硬土对单桩承载力的影响

    Influence of shallow leck on bearing capacity of single piles in lagoon-marsh deposits area of shanghai

  8. 缺失第⑥硬土隔水层的深基坑承压水处理技术研究

    A Study on Treatment Scheme of Confined Water for Deep Foundation Pit Without No.6 Stiff Soil-Aquiclude

  9. 硬土场地中基坑开挖引起的邻近建筑物和道路沉降较小,对周围环境影响不明显。

    However , the influence of excavation on settlements of adjacent buildings and roads is little .

  10. 上海浅部硬土分布区静载荷试验结果分析

    Analysis on Single Pile Vertical Static Load Test Result in Superficial Part Hard Soil in Shanghai

  11. 从现有计算单桩承载力的方法出发,结合工程实践分析上海湖沼平原地区浅层硬土对预制短桩承载力的影响。

    Bearing capacity of short precast pile in lagoon-marsh deposits area of Shanghai is researched based on in-situ data .

  12. 本文还对硬土软岩路堑边坡滑坡的特点进行了分析。

    This article has also carried on the analysis to the hard soil and soft rock slope of landslide characteristic .

  13. 对硬土路面激励下履带车辆悬挂系统的半主动控制效果进行了仿真,并与被动控制效果进行比较。

    The effects of vibration control with the sand road excitation were simulated , and compared with the effects based on passive control .

  14. 指出坡高、坡比和风化层厚度是硬土软岩边坡稳定性的主要影响因素。

    Pointed out the slope high the ratio of slope and the weathering depth is the hard soil and soft rock side slope stable major effect factor .

  15. 该技术无论对软土地基,还是硬土地基都能进行不同程度的改善,使承载力得到进一步提高。

    This technology , no matter for soft soil foundation or hard soil foundation , is able to improve the foudation and make the bearing capacity further improved .

  16. 结果,今年在温网决赛中连续三次大胜费德勒以及在美国硬土赛场上的接连夺冠让这些怀疑销声匿迹。

    Three consecutive Wimbledon finals culminating in his epic defeat of Federer this year combined with titles at the big American hardcourt events put that theory to bed .

  17. 随着宁夏六盘山地区公路、铁路建设的发展,对硬土软岩作更深入的研究显得十分必要。

    Development which along with the Ningxia Liupanshan area highway and railroad construct , does more thorough research to the hard soil and soft rock to appear extremely essential .

  18. 在远离断层的东部台站上,硬土场地谱比值V/H在长周期段大于软土场地。

    For the east stations with larger distance , the V / H in long period range at hard soil site is longer than that at soft soil site .

  19. 而对于硬土场地条件,该方法估计结果误差较大,使用中应予以注意。

    But in the hard soil site , the error margin for the present method is great , to which the attention , should be given in the actually usage .

  20. 通过硬土场地10组双向地震动记录等强度折减系数谱的统计平均结果,分析了结构周期、强度折减系数和阻尼等因素对谱值及结构双向地震反应的影响。

    The effects of periods , strength reduction factors and damping on spectra amplitude and bi-directional structural responses are discussed by statistic analysis of 10 recordings in two directions on hard-site .

  21. 通过对理想双线性体系的均值弹塑性位移比与强度折减系数进行了统计分析与数值拟合,建立了两大类场地土(硬土、软土)下的μ-R-T回归公式。

    Based on the comprehensive statistical analysis of inelastic displacement ratios , the regression equations of μ - R - T about the strength reduction coefficient and inelastic displacement ratios are obtained .

  22. 到了镇上后,我们决定开车出城,去看一跟那里的矿场。我们离开大路,将车驶上我以为是硬土的路面,一直来到巨大的露天矿场边上。

    When we got to town we decided to drive out to see the mines , going off the road onto what I thought was hard clay soil , right up to the edge of a huge open pit .

  23. 本文利用单桩阻抗和群桩动力相互作用因子计算群桩动力阻抗函数,计算并讨论了不同构形群桩阻抗函数在软、中和硬土地基中的变化规律和特点。

    In this paper , the dynamic impedance functions of pile groups are calculated by using the impedance functions of single pile f and dynamic interaction factors , and the characteristics of impedance functions of pile groups with different configurations in soft , medium and hard soil are discussed .

  24. 普通硬塑土端承挖孔桩在施工中的应用

    Application on end support of digging hole pile in hard plastic soil

  25. 较硬分层土-桩基-结构相互作用体系振动台试验

    Shaking Table Testing of Hard Layered Soil-Pile Structure Interaction System

  26. 以广州新光大桥为例,研究软弱分层土、较软分层土、较硬分层土和岩石地基与群桩相互作用下大跨度连续刚架钢桁拱桥动力特性以及地震响应。

    In this thesis , taking a long-span continuous steel truss beam arch bridge as the project background , the buffeting problems of the bridge at operational state are studied .

  27. 模拟结果表明:经典Rankine理论不适合于硬粘土土层土压力的分析研究;

    The numerical simulation results show that firstly , the traditional Rankine Theory can 't be simply applied to the analysis of hard-clayey soil ;

  28. 大冶铁矿硬岩排土场复垦的几点作法

    Practice of reclamation of hard rock dump in Daye iron open pit

  29. 厚硬土层下软土地基处理施工技术

    Construction Technique of Soft Foundation Improvement Under Thick Hardpan

  30. 土层上软下硬时,水泥土围护结构抗倾覆稳定系数分别随着墙体宽度与入土深度的增加而增加。

    When the soft soil is over the hard soil the anti-overturning safety factor increases with increasing of the width and the embedded depth of the wall respectively .