
  • 网络Hard work;iron-cloth;Hard power;feats of strength
硬功 [yìng gōng]
  • [mastery skill] 过硬的本领;扎实熟练的功夫

  • 硬功靠苦练

  1. 如果你可以放弃看的电影和工作硬功课,我们说你有自我控制。

    If you can give up seeing the film and work hard at your lessons , we say you have self-control .

  2. 落实科学发展观,必须下狠心变革发展观念和评价指标;用硬功改换发展模式和转变经济增长方式;

    Implementing scientific development view must change development sense and evaluation targets vigorously , transform development module and the way of economic growth .

  3. 李小龙是个多面手,除了精通各种拳术外,还擅长长棍、短棍和双节棍等各种器械,并研习气功和硬功。

    Bruce Lee was versatile : In addition to his proficiency in all kinds of Kuen ( fist ) martial arts , long stick , short stick , and nunchaku , he also studied Qigong and Yinggong .

  4. 需要建立与健全与住房信贷保险相关的法律法规;提高公众参与住房信贷保险的意识;外树形象、内练硬功;创新保险营销模式;不断聚集人才,提高保险从业人员素质等。

    We need to establish and improve housing credit insurance-related laws and regulations , improve the awareness of public participation in housing credit insurance ; perfect this industry all around ; create insurance marketing mode , continue to gather talents , and improve the quality of insurance practitioners .