
  • 网络stiffness;koshi
  1. VESA上浆的碳纤维具有较低的硬挺度,较好的柔软性。

    VESA sized carbon fibers were of lower stiffness and better flexibility .

  2. 缝缝对纺织面料抗弯硬挺度的影响

    Influence of seam on the bending stiffness of textile fabrics

  3. 进而对主观感知的各指标与总体接触舒适感进行相关分析和Ordinal回归分析,得出了基于粗糙度、刺痛感、瘙痒感和硬挺度的总体接触舒适感的预测模型。

    Then analyse the relationship between subjective index and the overall contact comfort with Correlation analysis and Ordinal Regression analysis , and get the prediction model of the overall contact comfort based on the feel of heat and cold , roughness , tingling , itching , stiffness and massiness .

  4. 硫化橡胶的低温硬挺度试验方法

    Testing method for stiffness of vulcanized rubber at low temperture

  5. 织物弯曲硬挺度的测定法:挠度计法

    Determination of flexural stiffness of fabrics : flexometer method

  6. 纱线捻度与织物紧度对织物硬挺度的影响

    Influences of Yarn Twist Fabric Tightness on Fabric Stiffness

  7. PTT/毛混纺织物手感柔软,硬挺度小于PET/毛混纺织物。

    The stiffness of PTT / wool fabrics is less than PET / wool fabric .

  8. 采用LLY01B型电脑控制硬挺度仪测试织物硬挺度,并对影响织物硬挺度的因素进行了测试分析。

    With LLY-01B stiffness tester controlled under computer , the fabric stiffness is tested , and the influencing factors of fabric stiffness are analyzed .

  9. 这种树脂成膜后具有良好的耐碱、水性和硬挺度,可用作玻璃纤维网布涂层。

    This resin has good alkali and water resistance and proper stiffness , thus suitable for the use as a coat for fiberglass meshes .

  10. 对织物的处理,可使织物硬挺度和丰满度提高而变得有身骨;

    Through plasma treatment to fabrics , the stiffness and fullness of the fabrics can be increased , which made fabric elasticity and handle modified ;

  11. 玻璃增强热固性塑料管-潮湿条件下蠕变因子的测定和特定环状物的硬挺度计算GB/T14092.1-1993机械产品环境条件湿热

    Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics ( grp ) pipes-determination of the creep factor under wet conditions and calculation of the longterm specific ring stiffness Environmental condition for machinery products Warm-damp

  12. 研究表明,对羊毛织物进行平滑整理,不仅提高了羊毛织物平滑的手感,而且其硬挺度、悬垂性、折皱回复性都得到了改善。

    Research indicates that wool textile proceeds smoothing conditioning , not only enhances smooth handle to wool textile , further more stiffness , draping property , wrinkle recovery gender become better .

  13. 并测试了纤维素酶处理粗棉布前后断裂强度、硬挺度、悬垂系数、弹性、缩水率、丰满度的变化。

    The change of breaking strength , stiffness , drape coefficient , elasticity , water shrinkage , fullness of coarse count cotton fabric in the course of treating by cellulose were tested .

  14. 服装的外观性能包括悬垂性、硬挺度、折痕恢复性、起毛起球等方面。硬度机可选配摄影装置,能对所测压痕和材料金相组织进行拍摄。

    Appearance performances include drape pendency , stiffness and crease recovering , etc. The hardness tester can be equipped with camera device , it can take photos of tested indentation and material metallographic composition .

  15. 对主客观试验结果进行对比分析,发现所有织物的硬挺度普遍低,滑糯度较好,多数适合做针织物内衣用面料。

    Finally , analyzed the two test results and found all the fabric stiffness generally low , but smooth degree of fabrics are high . Most of them are suitable for fabrics of knitted underwear .

  16. 同时对整理织物的径向断裂强力、硬挺度和白度进行了测试,结果表明:阻燃整理后,对织物各项应用性能影响较小。

    Other applications in the performance of finished fabrics such as the radial tensile strength , stiffness and whiteness were tested , the results showed that : the application performance of the finished fabrics have less affected after finishing .

  17. 此外,在提高轧点面积,轧点面积比例的同时,采用方形轧点与纤维排列方向成45°排列的轧点排列,可以使得聚酯纺粘非织造布的强力,硬挺度性能更好。

    In addition , with improving rolling point area , rolling point area ratio , if point was the square and direction of fiber alignment of 45 degrees was arranged rolling point arrangement , could make polyester spunbonded nonwovens strength , stiffness , better performance .

  18. 硬挺度有所上升,经多人测试,不影响手感。白度和强力有所下降,但降低幅度小不影响服用性能;因此,用羊毛角蛋白对棉织物进行功能整理是可行的。

    Decrease in brightness and strength , but reduce the rate does not affect the the performance of fabric ; Despite the stiffness increased , not affect on the hand by more people testing . So , keratin solution was used for cotton fabrics to functional finishing is feasible .

  19. 色织衬衣面料的硬挺柔软度以及服装形体表现效果是决定其穿着舒适性的重要因素,决定于织物弯曲、剪切等力学性能。

    Yarn-dyed fabric softness and clothing form effect is one of the important factors to determine the wearing comfort , and it depends on the fabric mechanical properties such as bending , shear .