
  • 网络oil future
  1. 同时,VaR方法本身在石油期货投资风险分析上也存在一定的局限性。

    But at the same time VaR itself has some deficiency in the risk analyses of oil future investment .

  2. 我国建立石油期货市场的意义及其法律规制

    The Significance of China Setting up Oil Future Market and Legal Regulation

  3. 基于LM算法的石油期货价格预测研究

    Petroleum Futures Price Prediction Research Based on LM Algorithm

  4. 石油期货有所走弱,伦敦布伦特(brent)原油价格下跌2美元,至每桶122.85美元。

    Oil futures weakened with Brent falling $ 2 to $ 122.85 a barrel in London .

  5. PVM石油期货有限公司(PVMOilFuturesLtd)可以确认,它是6月30日周二未授权交易的受害者,PVM在一份声明中说。

    PVM Oil Futures Ltd can confirm that it was the victim of unauthorised trading on Tuesday June 30 , it said in a statement .

  6. 我朋友Eduardo一个暑假就靠投资石油期货挣了三十万

    That 's the point . My friend Eduardo made $ 300000 betting oil futures one summer

  7. 1978年,纽约商品交易所(nymex)推出了世界上第一个成功的石油期货合约&纽约取暖油期货合约。

    In1978 , nymexpresented the first successful oil futures contract in the world , i.e. , New York heatingoil futures contract .

  8. 此举使CFTC能够监控英国西德克萨斯石油期货市场参与者的行动,并将其与纽约商品交易所(NewYorkMercantileexchange,另一种西德克萨斯中质油期货合约在该交易所交易)提供的类似报告结合起来。

    This allows the CFTC to see what a participant in the UK West Texas oil futures market is doing , and put it together with similar reports provided by New York Mercantile Exchange , with its rival West Texas contract .

  9. 随着阶数q值的变化,WTI原油期货价格序列的广义Hurst指数从0.8625递减到0.3097,其他石油期货市场也具有类似的特点。

    Along with the order q changing , the Generalized Hurst index of WTI crude oil futures prices sequence decreases from 0.8625 to 0.3097 , and similar characteristics exit in other oil futures markets .

  10. 戴维雷德蒙德(DavidRedmond)于2008年2月被摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的大宗商品部门聘用。他前夜隐瞒的石油期货头寸事实上获利了,但银行发现之后还是将他辞退了。

    David Redmond , employed by the commodities team at Morgan Stanley in February 2008 , in fact made a profit from the positions in oil futures that he concealed overnight , but was nonetheless sacked by his bank after they discovered his actions .

  11. 他很喜欢气象学你不是说石油期货吗

    He likes meteorology . You said it was oil futures .

  12. 石油期货市场的风险管理机制研究

    Research of the Risk Management Mechanism in Petroleum Futures Market

  13. 发展和完善我国石油期货市场的对策与建议

    Countermeasures and Proposals for Developing and Improving Oil Futures Market in China

  14. 恢复石油期货的必要性和可行性及难点

    Necessity , Feasibility and Difficulties of Recovering the Petroleum Futures

  15. 国际石油期货市场长期记忆特性的实证分析

    Analysis of long-term memory characteristic of international petroleum futures market

  16. 加快石油期货市场的建设

    China Must Quicken Forward Pace for Developing the Features Market in Oil

  17. 石油期货价格多重分形特征及其奇异性分析

    Analysis of Multifractal Properties and Singularity of Oil Futures Price

  18. 世界石油期货市场发展状况及对我国的启示

    Developing Situation of Global Petroleum Futures Market and its Enlightenment on China

  19. 石油期货与石油储备的相互关系研究

    Study on the Interrelationship between Oil Futures and Oil Reserves

  20. 建立中国石油期货市场的必要性

    On the Necessity of Establishing Chinese Petroleum Futures Market

  21. 石油期货价格距到期日效应波动实证研究

    Maturity Effect on Oil Futures Price in the World

  22. 在过去6个月中,长期石油期货价格涨势一直强于现货价格。

    Long-dated oil futures have outperformed spot prices during the past six months .

  23. 他说,中国从进口其产品的美国和其它国家那里获得美元,并将那些钱中的大部分投资于石油期货。

    He says China has put much of that money into oil futures .

  24. 变危机为契机积极参与石油期货交易

    Turning Crisis into Opportunity by Trading Actively Oil Futures

  25. 泰恩·兰德尔是伦敦的一位石油期货经纪人。

    Taine Randell works in London as a broker .

  26. 石油期货的模式与运作方案设计

    Mode and Design of Operating Scheme of Oil Futures

  27. 石油期货市场套期保值与风险规避

    Hedging and Risk Avoidance in the Oil Futures Market

  28. 我国急需发展石油期货市场

    China Urgently Needs to Develop Oil Futures Market

  29. 第一部分着重介绍了石油期货市场的概念和理论。

    The first part highly presents the concept and theory of petroleum futures market .

  30. 价格风险是石油期货市场风险的核心。

    Price risk is one of the core factors in petroleum futures market risk .