
  1. 我国的石油对外依存度已达40%以上。

    Our foreign dependence ratio of oil is over 40 % now .

  2. 中国石油对外依存度将不断扩大,直到2020年可能超过70%。

    It warned that China would more and more rely on oil import , and might reach 70 % by 2020 .

  3. 伴随着我国石油对外依存度的提高,加快我国战略石油储备体系建设刻不容缓。

    Is following our country petroleum foreign degree of dependency enhancement , speeds up our country strategy oil reserves system to construct urgently .

  4. 2006年石油对外依存度已达47%,比2005年提高了4.1个百分点。

    In 2006 , Degree of Dependence upon oil import has reached 47 % , which is 4.1 % higher than that of 2005 .

  5. 其中石油对外依存度大幅提高,能源安全问题日益突出。在经济全球化的背景下,中国的能源安全与国际能源市场、世界的能源安全密切相关。

    Under the background of economical globalization , China 's energy security is close correlation with the international energy market and the world energy security .

  6. 在我国石油对外依存度不断提高的情况下,高油价对于我国经济的负面影响巨大。

    China 's dependence on foreign oil continue to improve the situation , high oil prices on China 's tremendous negative impact on the economy .

  7. 中国石油对外依存度从1995年的7.6%增加到2006年的47%。

    The petroleum importation dependence degree has increase from 7.6 % in 1995 to 47 % in 2006 ( statistics from 《 China Energy Development Report 》) .

  8. 成品油的储备成本,石油对外依存度和预期的石油中断规模对最优的成品油储备规模有重要的影响。

    The main influence factors are the cost of the refined petroleum product reserve , the degree of dependence upon importation of petroleum , the expecting oil disruption scale .

  9. 中国经济已经成为世界经济的重要组成部分,加之中国石油对外依存度的逐年增加,国际石油价格对中国经济和石油安全的影响越来越大。

    The outward degree of Chinese petroleum is increasing sharply every year , and the price of world petroleum is getting more and more influence on Chinese economy and petroleum security .

  10. 江苏是一个能源资源匮乏的经济大省,石油对外依存度较高,石油价格对社会发展具有明显的波及效应。

    Jiangsu is a large economy province but short in energy resources . For the higher degree of dependence on foreign oil , oil prices have an obvious effect on social development .

  11. 根据前面的替代关系,不但能改善我国能源消费结构,降低我国石油对外依存度,而且还可以改善空气质量,降低大气中的污染物。

    According to the above substitution relations , we not only improve our country structure of energy consumption , reduce our country petroleum foreign degree of dependency , but also improve the air quality , reduce the pollutant in atmospheric .

  12. 近年来,随着国内油气需求的迅速增长,随着石油对外依存度的逐年扩大和石油价格的持续高走,国内关于油气资源可持续发展的研究日益受到政府和专家学者的高度重视。

    With the increase of the demand of oil and gas in China these years , and with the dependence of foreign oil and the appreciation of oil price , the study of sustainable development of oil and gas resource is highly regarded by China government and experts .

  13. 随着中国经济发展的突飞猛进,对能源的需求不断增大,其中石油的对外依存度大幅攀升,能源安全问题日益突出。

    Along with the skyrocket development of China economy , China demands more and more energy , China 's dependence on import oil was deeply . The question of how to ensure energy security is prominent .

  14. 对中国来说,现阶段石油需求的对外依存度不断上升是不可遏制的趋势,未来中国石油供应问题将面临来自各方面的诸多挑战。

    It is inevitable for China that the petroleum must be imported from other countries , and the future petroleum supply of China will face up to various challenges .

  15. 我国已经成为世界最大的汽车市场,到2020年汽车保有量将超过2亿辆,而我国也是石油消费大国,对外依存度已超过了50%,供需矛盾日益突出。

    China has become the world largest auto market , car ownership in 2020 to over 150 million , while China is also the oil-consuming nations , the foreign dependency is more than 50 % , supplying and demanding have become increasingly prominent .

  16. 同时我国石油超过50%的对外依存度所代表的进口量中70%以上来源于原产地及运输路线安全隐患都很大的中东和非洲,这为我国石油安全战略敲响了警钟。

    Meanwhile , 70 % of oil import in China , where oil trade dependent ration is over 50 % , comes from Middle East and Africa , where there is of great security concern in oil production and transportation , sounding an alarming bell for China oil security strategy .

  17. 当前我国已经成为仅次于美国和日本的世界第三大石油净进口国,石油对外依存度高达45%以上。

    Nowadays , China has become the third largest oil importing country , whose external dependence degree has been up to 45 % .

  18. 20世纪两次石油危机的冲击,石油对外依存度日益提高以及国际石油价格的大幅度波动,导致西方主要石油进口国纷纷实施石油安全战略。

    It is the impacts of the two petroleum crisis in 20th centuries , increasing dependence on overseas market , and price fluctuation that cause the main western petroleum importing countries carry safe strategy into execution .

  19. 自上个世纪90年代以来,我国经济的高速发展引发了石油消费的快速增长,石油对外依存度逐年提高。

    Since the1990s , rapid development of economy in our country has triggered abrupt growth in petroleum consumption .

  20. 经济快速增长时期旺盛的石油需求使中国石油进口及对外依存度不断上升,石油来源及进口安全成为保障经济安全的战略难题;

    Immense oil requirement make oil import safety and dependence continually ascendances in the period of economic increase in China . Therefore , the oil source and import safety become a strategic problem .

  21. 中国作为崛起中的大国,近年来汽车销售量快速增长,石油需求大幅增加,导致石油对外依存度急剧上升,并且快速的工业化导致了污染加重、温室气体排放大幅增加的局面。

    As a developing country with rising international status , the sale of vehicles and the demand of oil increases rapidly , causing the sharp increase of dependence on oil import . Moreover , rapid industrialization results in the worsening of environmental protection , and rising releasing of green-house gas .

  22. 对外技术依存度的测算与分析针对我国石油能源消费状况,分析产生石油对外依存度较高的原因;

    Against situation of consumption of oil energy resource in China , analyzed the reason why we highly rely on foreign oil ;

  23. 自从1993年我国成为石油净进口国以来,我国石油对外依存度逐年上升。

    After becoming a net petroleum importer country in 1993 , the degree of dependence upon import has been increasing year by year .

  24. 而国内石油供给不足已导致中国石油进口和对外依存度迅速飙升,日益扩大的供需矛盾使以中哈石油战略合作为契机的石油进口多元化安全战略备受关注;

    The insufficient supplement in China has led the violent ascendance of oil import and external dependences , and the increasing conflict of supply and demand makes the oil import diversified strategy based on the CHINA & KAZAKSTAN oil strategy cooperation abroad attention .

  25. 首先,中日石油资源来源渠道具有惊人的趋同性,石油对外依存度极高,且主要是中东地区。

    First of all , the two countries ' oil resources sources has an amazing convergence , oil external dependence is extremely high , and is mainly in the Middle East .

  26. 1993年以后,我国从石油出口国变为石油净进口国,石油的对外依存度由1995年的7.6%上升到2003年的36.1%。

    China has changed from oil export country to oil import country since 1993 . Ratio of foreign oil dependence increased from 7.6 % in 1995 to 36.1 % in 2003 .

  27. 特别是对于正处在经济转型期中的中国而言,石油消费需求量伴随着中国国内高速的经济增长与日俱增,石油对外依存度更是超过了55%的历史最高水平。

    Especially for the countries which are in the period of economic transition such as China . With the rapid development of domestic economy , the oil consumption in China is increasing obviously and the level of dependence on oil imports even exceeds the highest level in history-55 % .

  28. 1993年中国成为石油净进口国以来,目前已经成为世界第二大进口国,石油对外依存度已经达到40%以上。

    China has become a petroleum importing country since 1993 and has become the second largest petroleum importing country at present , whose extent of the independence on foreign petroleum has been up to 40 % .

  29. 目前就国内情况来看,随着经济的快速发展和工业化进程的加快,石油需求逐年上升,现已成为世界第二大石油消费国和进口国,石油对外依存度相当高。

    Because of the fast growing in economy and in the industrialization , China has been the second largest import country of oil in the world . Then , the degree of foreign dependence on petroleum in China is very high .