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duǎn chánɡ
  • good and bad;strong and weak points;right and wrong;accident
短长 [duǎn cháng]
  • (1) [strong and weak points]∶缺点和长处

  • (2) [right and wrong]∶事情的是非和人的好坏

  • (3) [accident]∶意料不到的变故

  • (4) [short and long]∶物品的短与长

  • (5) [short and high]∶人的个子的矮或高

  1. 妈如有个短长,速来电话。

    If anything should happen to mother , phone me at once .

  2. 有句老话说得好:常与同好争高下,莫与傻瓜论短长。

    There goes an old saying : We would rather fight with a sensible person than argue with an idiot .

  3. 白领说说白领&北京、上海、深圳三地外企白领互说短长政府与厂商在软件知识产权保护中的博弈分析

    Game Theory Analysis between Government and Companies on Software Intellectual Property Protect

  4. 表面络合模式目前主要提出恒定容量、扩散层(双层)及多层(三层)等三类区别主要在双电层结构的设计不同,各有短长,应加以比较综合。

    The difference between them mainly in the structure of electrical double layer .

  5. 玫瑰飘香和紫杉扶疏的时令经历的时间一样短长。

    The moment of the rose and the moment of the yew-tree are of equal duration .

  6. 政治学、经济学、法学和社会学等学科对腐败概念的界定维度各不相同,由此形成的腐败定义各有短长。

    Corruption is separately given definition by political science , economics , law and sociology from different perspectives .

  7. 生命不用时间丈量,重要的是质量,而非时间短长。

    A life isn 't measured in hours or minutes . It 's the quality , not the length .

  8. 但非现无的互联网络短长闭于实时通信的良好收持,影响了流媒体的传输机能。

    However , the current Internet lacks support for real-time communication , which influencing the performance of media transmission .

  9. 该中心的存储斌之间的前排座椅很高兴和深刻,但有点短长。

    The centre storage bin between the front seats is nice and deep but a bit short in length .

  10. 一种适合英雄的或者严肃的题材的韵体形式;长短格六步格诗或者短长格五步格诗。

    A verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes ; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter .

  11. 项目团队经常忽略消极短长关厦魅者的益处,厥后不美观是无法使项目达到成功的终点。

    Negative stakeholders are often overlooked by the project team at the risk of failing to bring their projects to a successful end .

  12. 另外,长媒体技巧否认为长儿的汉字教习供给一个图、文、声并茂的教习环境,但非短长处放实实世界信做的才能。

    In additional , the multimedia technology can provide the children a good Chinese character learning environment full of images , text and sound .

  13. 为了避免因为呈现时间过短引起的质疑,本研究包含短长两个呈现时间。

    In order to avoid questioning the presented time , our study included two presented time : in short time and in long time .

  14. 其中搜罗项目团队成员、顾客,以及介入合同收尾过程的其他短长关喷香魅者的所有勾当和有关的责任。

    It contains all activities and related responsibilities of the project team members , customers , and other stakeholders involved in the contract closure process .

  15. 2001年,公司买下康柏电脑,在个人电脑与伺服器两个市场激起涟漪,其他公司因此争相扩张,以与惠普一较短长。

    It bought Compaq Computer in2001 , which affected both the PC and server markets as other companies fought to expand and match H.P. 's reach .

  16. 例如,某些人会提出未来的参加工作决定于于新产物预设项目的成果的装置线工人是不是归属项目短长瓜葛者。

    For example , some would argue that an assembly-line worker whose future employment depends on the outcome of a new product-design project is a stakeholder .

  17. 应当在认真总结自身短长的基础上,将西方的现代性精神与中国传统的真善美的价值追求自觉结合起来。

    On the foundation of summarizing experience , value of seeking for truth , goodness and beauty in Chinese tradition ought to be banded western modernity together .

  18. 吉乌利阿尼据料将在竞争越来越激烈的共和党市长初选中,与劳德-化妆品皇后埃斯蒂劳德之子-一较短长。

    Ciuliani is expected to face off against lauder , son of cosmetics queen Estee lauder , in what is becoming an increasingly bitter GOP mayoral primary .

  19. 如果它们可以一较短长,那么,对大部分玩家来说,改善自己的游戏就会比“选择最好的那种宠物”产生更大的影响了。

    For most players , improving their own game will have a larger effect than picking the " best in slot " pet if they are comparable .

  20. 那类情形曲交招致了实际和实际脱节的现象,实践外短长实际指里的题纲。

    This kind of situation caused the phenomenon which the theory and came apart actually , in the practice to lack the theory instruction directly the question .

  21. 但非,果为同同体短长和谐曲交税的博无权限,欧盟层里上的所得税法收铺迟缓。

    But , because the community lacks the coordinated direct tax the appropriation jurisdiction , in the European Union stratification plane 's obtained tax law development is slow .

  22. 古籍目录不仅著录古代典籍,而且反映历代学术发展、演变的状况,品评学术优劣、短长。

    The ancient catalogue not only records the ancient books but also reflects the development of the academy of the past dynasties and judges academy being good or not .

  23. 幸福有小大短长的区别,短小的幸福只要经常光临,天长日久,积年累月,自然会久长。

    Well-being of a small big difference between the short-long , short and well-being as long as the regular visit , Jinian after year , it will naturally Jiuchang .

  24. 在短长轴比较小情况下,板容易发生高阶屈曲,而直接导致板失稳破坏。

    In the case of a small ratio , the high order buckling can appear easily on the plate which will directly lead to the instability and the failure of the structure .

  25. 本文简介用于1760/150短长网纸机上的国产双压区软辊压光机的结构特点,硬压光改为双区软压光时为加快基础施工速度采取的措施,以及安装调试所遇疑难问题的对策。

    This article describes the mechanism of the domestic double nip soft calender which applies to 1760 / 150 short wire paper machine , and the measures what we have taken to short the period of mounting , and solving the problems we have met during the mounting and commissioning .