
duǎn rì zhào zhí wù
  • short-day plant
  1. 水稻是一种短日照植物,光敏色素参与了光周期调控的水稻开花。

    Phytochromes mediate the photoperiodic control of flowering in rice ( Oryza sativa ), a short-day plant .

  2. 长日照和短日照植物

    Long short day plant

  3. 水稻是短日照植物,在长日低温条件下抽穗期推迟。

    The flowering time of rice as a facultative short-day ( SD ) plant is delayed under long-day ( LD ) condition and / or low temperature condition .

  4. 水稻是短日照单子叶植物,而黄瓜是日中性双子叶植物。

    Rice is a short-day ( SD ) monocot , whereas cucumber is a mid-day ( MD ) dicotyledon .