
duǎn jiàn
  • dagger;stiletto;dirk;poniard;half-sword
短剑 [duǎn jiàn]
  • [dagger] 短小的剑;匕首

短剑[duǎn jiàn]
  1. 热血从我的后背和胸前往下淌,将我肩膀钉在桅杆上的短剑像烧红的烙铁一样折磨着我。

    The hot blood was running over my back and chest . The dirk , where it had pinned my shoulder to the mast , seemed to burn like a hot iron ;

  2. 只有半分钟的工夫他已横越甲板爬到左舷的排水孔那里,从盘成一堆的绳子底下摸出一把长长的小刀,可以说是一把短剑,上面的血一直染到了刀柄上。

    In half a minute he had reached the port scuppers , and picked , out of a coil of rope , a long knife , or rather a short dirk , discoloured to the hilt with blood .

  3. 这种声音像所有的音乐一样,如短剑般直刺我心。

    This sound , like all music , pierced my heart like a dagger .

  4. 那是一把天皇赐给他父亲命他剖腹自杀的短剑。

    It is the dagger sent by the Mikado to her father with order to commit harakiri .

  5. 他腰间佩着一把水手的短剑,

    He wore a sailor 's short sword2 by his side ,

  6. 时间刚过正午,大夫拿起帽子和枪,还有一把短剑,把地图放在口袋里,迅速地消失在树林里。

    Then , a little past noon , the doctor took his hat , his pistols4 and a sword , put the map in his pocket , and walked off quickly through the trees .

  7. 于是浅野拿出一把名叫“胁差”的短剑袭击了Kira,但只在Kira的脸上划了一道口子后卫兵就把他俩拉开了。

    Asano took out a small sword called a wakizashi and attacked the official , but only managed a cut on Kira 's face before guards separated them .

  8. 你带来的消息是一把匕在我心上的短剑。

    The news you bring is a dagger to my heart .

  9. 她再次拿起短剑,转身走到屏风后。

    Again taking the dagger , she moves behind a screen .

  10. 中原地区西周青铜短剑简论

    Studies on the Bronze Daggers of the Western Zhou from Central Plains

  11. 我听说受害者被一把短剑所伤。

    I hear the victim was stabbed with a dagger .

  12. 当他转过身来时,短剑已握在手中。

    When he turned the stiletto was in his band .

  13. 她以短剑相刺的目光望着我,走出了房间。

    She left the room , looking daggers at me .

  14. 这意味着您要看上好的短剑。

    That means that you must want good dagger work .

  15. 中国东北系青铜短剑研究

    Researches on the Northeastern Style Bronze Dagger in China

  16. 看上去是把古代短剑,它悬在空中。

    It appeared to be an ancient dagger , angling in the air .

  17. “别磨磨蹭蹭的,快去拿短剑。”看守人说。

    " Don 't dally , go get it ," said the custodian .

  18. 受害者为一把短剑所伤。

    The victim was stabbed with a dagger .

  19. 和短剑或是猎刀相符。

    Consistent with a combat or hunting knife .

  20. 他用短剑挡开了马刀。

    He parried the sword with his dagger .

  21. 看守人反驳道。馆长开始走进地下室最黑暗的地方去寻找短剑。

    The curator entered the darkest part of the basement to search for the dagger .

  22. 短剑麻纤维补强天然橡胶复合材料的研究

    Modified sisal fibre reinforced natural rubber composites

  23. 短剑是传统的阿拉伯武器,在近战搏斗中相当好用。

    The short sword is a traditional Arabic weapon and very good at close combat .

  24. 甩剑刺在当今男子花剑比赛中的运用我们用长剑还是用短剑来较量?

    The Swing Puncture in the Male Fleuret Competition ; Shall we fence with long or short swords ?

  25. 我一直想扮演刺客,我面前看到的是柄短剑吗?

    I always wanted to do the killing part . 'Is that a dagger that I see before me ?

  26. 然后走到神龛面前取出短剑,读着刀身上的题词。

    Then she goes to the shrine , takes the dagger , and reads the inscription on the blade .

  27. 这把短剑是精灵做的,当半兽人或地精接近时会闪耀蓝光。

    The blade is of Elvish make which means it will glow blue when Orcs or Goblins are nearby .

  28. 例如海盗就会带著短剑在球场跑来跑去,并用来刺伤对手球队。

    For instance the pirates will run around with a dagger which can be used to stab the opponent team .

  29. 它的设计包容了砍和刺的功能,其中了短剑和宽剑的优点。

    It was designed for both piercing and slashing , combining the best of both the short and broad swords .

  30. 我对为什么罗马帝国晚期的军队放弃短剑改用长剑感到好奇。

    I have been curious as to why the late roman army moved away from the gladius to a longer sword .