
  1. 健全、有效的内部控制,对于企业的短期平衡和长期发展,有着非常重要的影响。

    Sound and effective internal control plays a very important role in the short-term balance and long-term development of enterprises .

  2. 铝电解槽短期能量平衡的即时调整

    Immediate adjusting short term energy balance of aluminium cell

  3. 海南岛热带山地雨林短期水量平衡及主要养分的地球化学循环研究

    Water balance and geochemical cycling of main nutrients in the tropical mountain rainforest , Hainan Island

  4. 水量平衡的预测结果显示,土地利用方式是区域短期水量平衡的主要影响因子。

    The results show that land use mostly influences the short-term water budget in the region scale .

  5. 这样它综合考虑了各个关键因素,使用滞后和超前指标,协调了长期和短期目标,平衡了财务和非财务指标,满足了内部和外部的多方需要。

    So it is seen as the balance between : long-term and short-term objectives , financial and the non-financial measures , lagging and the leading indictor , and external and internal performance perspectives .

  6. 我国许多企业都希望能借鉴在西方国家广泛使用的股权激励制度,以解决在企业中存在的对企业经理人员的激励约束机制缺乏的问题,实现对经理人员长期激励和短期激励的平衡。

    In China , many enterprises are eager to learn from Western countries use the equity incentive systems The solution to the enterprise of the managers of enterprises lack the incentive and restraint mechanisms . long-term incentive for managers to achieve balance and short-term incentives .

  7. 长期土地保护也必须与农民们短期的经济需要平衡到一起。

    Long term soil conservation practices must also be balanced with farmers'short term economic needs .

  8. 而本研究的思考纬度则是从员工和雇主之间短期交易,到平衡、稳定,乃至战略合作、共同发展的关系来分析问题。

    This research considered the different level relation between employee and employer including temp transactional relation , balance and stable relation and strategic relation .

  9. 激励对象只注重于重点考核业绩指标的完成,并没有从企业整体发展的战略前景出发,使得企业的绩效考核存在着短期性和不平衡性。

    The target indicators are only focusing on the completion of some key performance assessments , and not from the business prospects to drive the overall development strategy .

  10. 然而上个月,佩奇却在一则旨在安抚华尔街分析人士的评论中表示:我理解将短期和长期相平衡的需求。

    Last month , however , in a comment intended to reassure Wall Street analysts , he said : I understand the need to balance the short term with the longer term .

  11. 萨缪尔森效应主要是是基于这样一个预期:尽管短期供需的不平衡会导致商品价格波动性的增加,但是在长期,供需的不平衡会逐渐趋于均衡。

    It is based on the prospect that though commodity price volatility will get stronger due to short-term imbalance of supply and demand , in long term , this imbalance will gradually tend to disappear .

  12. 气候、沉积物供给、湖海短期沟通、河流平衡剖面迁移等因素在较短时期内或局部地区可以成为主要控制因素,在其影响下可形成三级层序。

    Climatic , sediment supply , short - lived lake-sea linking and fluvial balanced cross section migration could be main controlling factors in shorter time or special region , and third-order sequence may be formed under these factors .