
  • 网络Military History
  1. 他已成为军事史上的一个传奇。

    He has become a legend in the annals of military history .

  2. 军事史上你最欣赏的事件是什么?

    What event in military history do you most admire ?

  3. 论研究三峡军事史的现实意义

    On the Practical Implications of Studying Three Gorges Military History

  4. 抛石机在我国古代军事史与技术史上都产生了深远影响。

    Trebuchet had deep affect on Chinese ancient military history and technology history .

  5. 是的,文化是很重要,但是和军事史一比就太没劲了。

    Well Culture is important but by comparision of military history its boring .

  6. 在很多方面他的书都更像一本传统的军事史。

    He has written what is in many ways a more conventional military history .

  7. 人类军事史上的伟大奇迹&三位美国记者笔下的中国工农红军长征

    Great miracles of the Chinese Red Army in the Long March by three American reporters

  8. 这是中国最精彩的一段军事史。

    It is a real historical event .

  9. 在美国军事史和世界军事史上都具有重要地位。

    It has important Position in the American military history and the world military history .

  10. 在欧洲军事史上,汉尼拔无疑占据着极为重要的地位。

    In the history of European military , Hannibal has undoubtedly occupied a very important position .

  11. 现年88岁的奥利弗爵士竟然是在领取他的第5个学位——军事史博士学位。

    The 88-year-old was collecting nothing less than his fifth degree , a masters in military history .

  12. 你最赞赏的军事史事件是什么?&我自己作为志愿者去参加征募。

    What event in military history do you most admire ? My own enlistment as a volunteer !

  13. 这使佐立克对军事史产生了浓厚的兴趣,从美国内战到祖鲁起义。

    That left his son with a passion for military history , from the US Civil War to Zulu uprisings .

  14. 包括西方文化史、民族学、军事史、矿物学和大量艺术收藏品。

    The museum includes western cultural history , ethnology , military history , mineralogy , and a large art collections .

  15. 核心观点是为说明他所写就的《历史》虽然被人们称之为通史的体例其中心内容却紧紧地局限在政治军事史范围之内。

    His core idea of history , though called general history by scholars , is limited in political and military history .

  16. 论吴氏抗金在南宋军事史上的地位

    Merits of the Wu 's Families Withstanding the Invasion of the Jin Regime in the Military History of the South-Song Dynasty

  17. “方城”在春秋战国时期楚国政治军事史上占有重要位置。

    During the period of Chunqiu Warring States ," Fangcheng " had an important position in the Chu nation ′ s political and military history .

  18. 他把目光从传统的政治军事史转向文化史,开文化史之先河;

    He transfered his historical visual angle from traditional political and military affairs to culture so as to become the forerunner of the cultural history ;

  19. 1926年7月正式发动的北伐战争,是中国乃至世界军事史上最辉煌的战事之一。

    The Northern Expedition War , started in July , 1926 , has been one of the most splendid wars in both China and the world military history .

  20. 不但是中国古代军事史的重要一环,在当时世界上也处于领先地位。

    The drill of the Song Dynasty played a very important role in the Chinese history and is also considered to take a lead in the world in middle age .

  21. 墨子在弱国小城的防守方面,既有理论又有实践,在中国军事史和建筑史上享有重要的地位。

    Mocius contribution to the defense of small town combined theory with practice , which should have the important position in the Chinese military history and the Chinese architectural history .

  22. 但即使是那样一个令人侧目的聪明人,也没有进一步提出一个更为重要的问题,一个只要在军事史和大战略方面受过训练的人会自动想到的问题。

    But even that impressively intelligent man has not asked a further , most important question , which a person trained in military history and grand strategy would automatically be inclined to ask .

  23. 这就是军事史上以少胜多的著名战例之一“昆阳之战”。

    This is the famous battle " Kunyang Campaign " , which is one of the well-known examples in the annals of war showing how a small army can o-vercome a big one .

  24. 银雀山汉简对于我国军事史、哲学史、文字学、古简册制度等研究,均有重要的价值。

    The Han bamboo slips from Yinque Mountain are of great importance for the study of Chinese military history , philosophy history , philology and the system of ancient bamboo slips as well .

  25. 各国在其军事史中,都有试图通过训练鸽子海豚等动物,去完成各种高难而致命任务的尝试。

    The history of the military in the United States and other countries includes a lot of attempts to get animals like pigeons or dolphins to do interesting and deadly things through various training .

  26. 所以,甲午战后海军重建过程,是中国近代海军发展史上不可或缺的历史阶段,在整个中国近代军事史上亦占有重要地位。

    Therefore , the process to rebuild the navy after the Sino - Japanese war of 1894 - 1895 is a historical stage is absolutely necessary the history of the development of the Chinese navy .

  27. 雅典是希腊世界的重要城邦之一,也是希腊世界中传世文献存世最多的城邦,所以研究雅典古典时期的国土防御作战进程是研究西方古代军事史的重要内容之一。

    As Athens was one of the most important states , and kept most documents in Greece , to study the course of Athenian territorial defense became one of the most important parts in western ancient military history .

  28. 绪论部分介绍军事史中战略战术的概念和涉及清入关前军事战略战术的问题相关的学术成果及本文的选题意义与结构安排。

    Introduction section describes the strategies and tactics in military history and involves the concept of clear military strategy and tactics before entering the academic achievements relevant to the issues and topics of meaning and structure of this arrangement .

  29. 山东根据地的兵工生产是抗日战争和解放战争时期人民军队武器装备的重要来源,但以往的军事史研究受方法和时代的限制,对这一问题涉及较少。

    The war industry of Shandong base was an important source of weaponry for people 's army during the Anti-Japanese War and the liberation war . however , limited by methods and times , the past military history refered to this theme less .

  30. 历史上关于国家利用和控制海洋的竞争或斗争的最好形式往往表现为战争,所以可以说,海权的历史主要是一部军事史。

    So it can be said ' the history of sea power is a military history . ' In the history , the best form of Competition or struggle for countries to use and control of marine is often manifested as a war .