
  1. 知青小说中的英雄主义再解读

    Another Interpretation of Heroism in the Novels on Reeducated Young People

  2. 浅谈知青小说的审美风格

    The discuss of aesthetic style of the educated youth novel

  3. 知青小说叙事的演变及其背后

    The Evolvement of the Narration and Cause in the Educated Youth Novels

  4. 知青小说审美风格的流动

    The Mobility of Aesthetic Styles of Intellectual Youth Novels

  5. 新时期知青小说研究

    Research on School Leavers Novels in New Period

  6. 知青小说创作的局限性

    The Limitations of Intellectual Youth Fictions Creation

  7. 新时期知青小说主题的嬗变

    On the Evolution of the Themes of the New Period Novels on the Intellectual Youth

  8. 新知青小说创作是一个与国家的改革开放进程相伴相生的文学现象。

    New novels on school leavers appeared simultaneously with opening up and reform in China .

  9. 知青小说中背负英雄主义大旗的理想者群象。

    First , educated youth novels carry the banner of the ideal of heroism of those elephants .

  10. 后新时期的商业大众类知青小说分析

    The Analysis of the Commercial and Popular Literature of the Educated Youth Novels in the Post-New Period

  11. 第三部分是针对后新时期知青小说叙事的分析与提炼。

    The third part is for the new era after the educated youth fiction narrative analysis and extraction .

  12. 自我意识的畸形强化&谈新时期知青小说创作视角的缺憾

    The Distorted Reinforcement of Self-consciousness & on the Flaws of the Creative Angels in the Educated Youth Novels

  13. 这一时期知青小说创作价值取向上则表现为多元化的解构趋势。

    During this period the educated youth novels on the value orientation of the performance for a wide range of deconstruction trend .

  14. 本文试图对知青小说的审美风格作一个宏观的描述,既探讨知青小说的总体风格,也探讨在每一阶段所表现出来的差异性。

    This paper attempts to make a macro description of the aesthetic styles of the intellectual youth novels : their overall similarity and their differences reflected in different periods .

  15. 本文将知青小说界定为由知青作家和非知青作家创作的反映城镇知青在上山下乡运动中生存状态(包括返城前和返城后)的小说。

    I define the ZhiQing Novel as the novels , which reflect the living state of city Intellectual Youth during ZhiQing Campaign , including the stories after they return the city .

  16. 新时期知青小说的乡土叙事也因此成了无法摆脱历史迷雾的幽灵,始终没有达到应有审美的高度。

    Therefore , local narration of " Zhi Qing " Novel during New Era also became unable to get rid of the ghosts of history and reached a high degree of aesthetic .

  17. 无法超越的集体观念、刻骨铭心的情感体验给他们的文学创作设置了重重藩篱,当他们无力穿越笼罩在他们上空的层层迷雾的时候,知青小说就走向了衰落的宿命。

    Collective spirit and profound emotional experience set heavy barrier for their literary creation . When they were unable to cross over the layers of fog shrouded in their time ," Zhi Qing " Novel can only decline .

  18. 伴随着价值取向的解构与演变,知青小说叙事也经历着从集体主义的全知叙事向理想主义的宏大叙事再向多元化的叙事转变和演进。

    Along with the value orientation of deconstruction and evolution , the educated youth novel also suffers from collectivism , the omniscient narration to the idealism of the grand narrative to a wide range of narrative change and evolution .

  19. 前言主要界定知青题材小说这一基本概念,阐释时限选取的理由,并对八十年代知青文学研究进行简要概括。

    The introduction defines this conception of " educated youth 's subject novel " mainly , explain the reason chosen in time limit , and summarize briefly the state that educated youth 's literature was studied of the 1980s .

  20. 知青运动直接构成这一时期的知青小说创作源头与素材。

    Educated Youth Movement directly pose this period the educated youth novels and the source material .

  21. 知青个体生存的展示与诉说&女性作家笔下的知青小说审美叙事

    The Exhibition and Recount of the Educated Youth Living Situation & the Aesthetic Narration of Educated Youth Novels Written by Female Writers