
  • 网络Knowledge of the law;knowing the writing method
  1. 构建知法懂法守法的高校学生管理队伍

    On Training Law-aware and-abiding Staff of Student Management in College

  2. 谁也不能以不知法为借口而得到原谅&当律师的格外不行。

    Ignorance of the law excuses no man - from practicing it .

  3. 她以不知法作为减轻罪行的借口没有被接受。

    Her plea of ignorance of the law in extenuation of her crime was not accepted .

  4. 知法、悟法能够使每个人超凡入圣,不论你是什麽社会阶层或说什麽语言。

    And this can make anybody become a noble individual , regardless of social class or language .

  5. 违法性认识是一个社会生活经验判断,与是否知法没有必然联系。

    Illegality cognition is a judgment under social experience and there is no necessary relation to the knowledge of the code .

  6. 目的是使罪犯知法、守法、服法和提高道德水平。

    The purpose is to help criminals know , abide by , and accept the law and to improve their moral standards .

  7. 而且我正在学习美国法律,以便我在到达那儿后做一个知法守法的人。

    In addition , I have been studying the laws of the United States so that there will be no problem when I go there .

  8. 补偿费稽查对于进一步规范征收机关行政执法行为,促使补偿费纳费义务人知法、懂法,自觉履行纳费义务,具有十分重要的意义。

    Checkup for the compensation fees is important for standardizing official 's enforcement action of imposition department , urging taxpayer to understand relevant laws and consciously pay the fees .

  9. 全体公民要学法、知法、守法,学会运用法律武器同各种违法犯罪行为作斗争。

    Every citizen should study , understand and abide by the law , and learn to use legal means to fight against all kinds of law-breaking offences and crimes .

  10. 严厉打击浸害未成年人合法权义的犯罪分子,奖励知法、守法的模范。

    Last but not least , criminals infringing upon the legal rights of the minors should be severely punished and models kno ing and abiding by the la a arded .

  11. 所以,加大对国家工作人员思想道德的教育、知法守法的教育以及建立健全职务犯罪预防的法律体系尤为重要。

    Therefore , it is very essential to increase ideological and moral education for the national staff , and to establish of a sound legal system to prevent the duty crime .

  12. 现代法治社会要求每个社会成员都应该学法、知法、懂法、守法,依照法律从事生产和生活,一切活动必须纳入法律的轨道。

    The modern rule of law requires that each member of society should be studying , knowing , understanding , law-abiding , engaged in production and daily life in accordance with law , all activities must be incorporated into the legal track .