
  • 网络well-known trademark
  1. 淡化理论对知名商标进行一种加强的、扩大的保护。

    The theory of dilution protects the well-known trademark more carefully than others .

  2. 商标抢注成为时下的热点话题,从知名商标到公众人物、热点话题,都成了商标抢注者的盘中餐。

    The scramble for registering trademarks including well-known trademark , public figures and hot topics is becoming the present hot topic .

  3. 微软互联网安全执行团队的高级律师亚伦•科恩布卢姆(AaronKornblum)表示:对于全球的知名商标而言,域名抢注是一个日益严重的问题。我们希望引导其它商标所有者,鼓励它们采取行动。

    Cybersquatting is a growing problem for brands around the world and we hope to educate other brand holders and encourage them to take action , said Aaron Kornblum , senior attorney on Microsoft 's internet safety enforcement team .

  4. 甘肃省出现了一批在国内外有影响的知名商标,但与其他经济较发达省份相比,差距明显,且有进一步扩大的趋势。

    Even though many influential trademarks have appeared in Gansu Province , an obvious disparity is still existed by comparing with other provinces and has the trend of expanding .

  5. 知名商标通常是指在地市级地域范围内享有一定声誉和知名度的商标,有地市级工商局予以认定。

    The well-known trademark usually is refers to the place municipal territorial scope has certain prestige and the popularity trademark , has the municipal bureau of industry and commerce to recognize .

  6. 尤其是驰名商标或知名商标,它不但能增加客户对产品的信赖和忠诚度,更能给企业带来巨大的商业价值和利益。

    It can enhance customers ' trust and loyalty for goods . It also can bring the vast great commercial value and benefits to enterprises , especially for the well known-trademark .

  7. 由于商标具有表明商品来源的功能,尤其是知名商标和驰名商标上更是凝聚着巨大的商誉,因此这些商标也成了网络时代新型商标侵权的对象。

    As the marks can indicate the source of the goods , especially , a well-known trademark even rallies enormous goodwill , these trademarks are becoming the objects of the trademark infringement in the new Internet era .

  8. 从未注册驰名商标、未注册知名商标与未注册普通商标三个方面,通过前几章对未注册商标的相关论述而分别归纳出的关于完善我国未注册商标法律保护的建议。

    Based on the previous discussion of unregistered trademarks in the chapters before , this chapter summarizes suggestions of the unregistered trademark protection in our country from the three aspects of unregistered well-known trademarks , registered famous trademarks and unregistered common trademarks .

  9. 其次,应将商号的登记机关在一定程度上加以集中,实行省级登记制度,完善商号登记程序,并建立全国统一的驰名、知名商标商号查询系统;

    Furthermore , registration agencies for business names should be centralized to some extent , registration system should be carried out at provincial level , and registration procedure should be improved . The national unified enquiry system of famous trademarks and business names are to be established .

  10. 本文将声誉和影响介于未注册驰名商标和未注册普通商标之间的一类已经使用并有一定影响的未注册商标称为未注册知名商标。

    In this paper , ' the unregistered famous trademarks ' is defined a kind of unregistered trademark between the unregistered well-known trademark and the unregistered general category , especially for reputation and influence , which not only has been used but have a certain extent of influence .

  11. 在我国市场上,在激烈的品牌竞争中,虽然涌现出一些知名的商标,但是国际著名商标仍把持着中国高端消费市场。

    As in China , we saw the out coming of a group of famous national brands , however , foreign brands still covers most shares among the high-end market across China .

  12. 它可能是在节目或游戏中被提到的某种商品,也可能是某个人物的穿戴,或者是能让观众看到的知名企业商标图案的镜头特写。

    It may be in the program or game mentioned some goods , also may be a person dress , or it is to be able to let viewers to see a famous enterprise trademark logo lens close-up .

  13. 所涉及的商标均为在中国拥有较高的知名度的商标。

    The marks are in China has a relatively high-profile brands .

  14. 驰名商标是在相关公众中享有较高声誉和知名度的商标。

    Well-known trademark is a trademark with high reputation and popularity in the relevant public .

  15. 在该类案件中,抢注人常常会出于不同的目的抢注知名商品的商标,能否一概认定为恶意注册值得我们探讨。

    In such cases , people often rush to register the well-known trademark with different aims . So it is worthy of our consideration on confirmation of malicious registration .

  16. 商标淡化的认定应以可能淡化标准,只要行为对具有一定知名度的商标有造成淡化的可能,则可认定其为商标淡化行为。

    The recognizing of the trademark dilution should desalinate the standard by the possibility , so long as the behavior to the certain well-known trademark has resulted the possibility of dilution , it may be recognized the trademark desalination behavior .

  17. 大众传媒的迅速普及发展和知识经济全球化,作为企业特别是知名企业的商标标识,其无形资产的价值今非昔比,代表的价值与日俱增,已经将成为二十一世纪最有利的市场经济竞争手段之一。

    With the rapid spread of mass media and the globalization of the knowledge economy , the value of the trademark in business enterprises especially in well-known corporations are increasing and will become one of the most beneficial competition ways in the market-oriented economy in twenty-first century .

  18. 第五章,重庆市出口知名品牌企业驰名商标战略规划。

    The fifth chapter is the planning of well-known trademark strategy in Chongqing famous brand export enterprises .

  19. 本案是一个西方知名品牌遭遇中国商标问题的最新事例。

    The case is the latest example of a high-profile western brand running into Chinese trademark trouble .

  20. 第二章,重庆市出口知名品牌企业驰名商标战略现状及存在的问题。

    The second chapter , the status and problems of the well-known trademark strategy in Chongqing famous brand export enterprises .

  21. 某些市场主体在市场竞争中,使用知名人物的姓名进行商标注册,利用名人的知名度,使商标核定使用的商品一进入市场就占据较高的起点,成为市场主体垄断市场、排挤竞争对手的手段。

    Some market participants use the name of well-known figures for trademark registration . By using the popularity of the celebrity , they make the goods or service taken the high starting point to enter the market and become the means to create monopolies .