
  • 网络knowledge cost;the cost of knowledge
  1. 相应地,企业边界则取决于企业资源、能力的大小及知识成本的高低。

    So the scope of the firm is determined by the capability and the cost of knowledge .

  2. 在家族企业集团内部,既存在知识成本,又存在代理成本。

    There exist knowledge costs and agency costs in the family business group .

  3. 我们认为,共同治理能够最大程度地减少企业治理的制度成本,也即知识成本和代理成本之和。

    Co-governance can minimize the institutional costs , which are the sum of knowledge costs and agency costs .

  4. 知识成本随着家族企业集团管理专业化程度的提高而不断递减,代理成本随着家族企业集团管理专业化程度的提高而不断递增。

    Knowledge costs are decreasing with the degree of specialization of family business group , while agency costs are increasing with the degree of specialization of family business group .

  5. 知识在成本递减过程中的次优定价

    The Hypo-Optimal Pricing of Knowledge in the Course of Decreasing Cost

  6. 后发企业知识传导成本因素的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on Cost Factors of Knowledge Transfer by Latecomer Firms

  7. 知识传导成本是指知识传导过程中的壁垒和难度。

    Knowledge transfer cost is the barrier during the process of knowledge transfer .

  8. 知识一般成本的定价

    On the pricing of the general cost of knowledge

  9. 知识交易成本与我国虚拟企业发展。

    Chapter five : knowledge transaction cost and virtual enterprise development in China .

  10. 企业知识管理成本浅析

    Analysis on the Cost of Enterprise 's Knowledge Management

  11. 企业知识传导成本实证研究

    Empirical Research on of Firm Knowledge Transfer Cost

  12. 但如果问题是大停滞,让民众获取知识的成本变得更昂贵肯定不是什么靠谱的解决之道。

    But if the great stagnation is the problem , making access to knowledge more expensive is surely not much of a solution .

  13. 知识交易成本理论、核心竞争力理论以及战略缺口理论,为知识联盟型虚拟企业跨组织界面的知识共享提供了理论基础和实现必要性。

    Knowledge transaction cost theory , core competence theory and strategy gap theory provide theoretical foundation and completion necessity of inter-organizational knowledge sharing in knowledge-linked virtual enterprise .

  14. 在总成本中引入了知识附加成本和风险成本的概念。

    The concept of additional cost for knowledge and adventure cost has been introduced into the total cost while combined study and developing investment , investing in the midway into the total investment .

  15. 在此基础上,本文利用作业管理的基础知识&作业成本核算(Activity-basedCosting,ABC)给出了企业以作业为基础的成本核算模型和计算公式。

    Based on the Activity-Based Costing , we give the model and formula to compute the cost of an organization .

  16. 基于事件推理的零件几何知识量与成本估算

    Knowledge quantification and cost estimation of components based on case-reasoning method

  17. 通过这种方式可以降低构造相关知识资源的成本。

    This method can reduce the cost of the resource construction .

  18. 知识经济时代成本核算方法的创新

    On the Creation of Cost Accounting Method in Knowledge-based Times

  19. 而知识转化的成本的增加,则不利于知识的转移。

    And the increasing cost of knowledge transformation was unfavorable to the knowledge transaction .

  20. 后发企业知识传导的成本动因及其作用机理

    Research on the cost determinants of knowledge transfer and influencing mechanisms for the latecomer firms

  21. 运用管理学的知识体系对成本、质量、周期进行组织协调,从而最终实现最初设定的项目目标。

    Use managing knowledge system to organize and coordinate the cost , quality and schedule , and ensure to achieve original targets .

  22. 企业间合作创新的目的就是通过共享现有技术知识降低创新成本、提高创新效率。

    The purpose of industrial cooperative innovation is to reduce the innovation cost and improve the efficiency through sharing knowledge and technology resource .

  23. 个人知识组织化成本越小,个人知识组织化的频率和效率就越高。

    The smaller of the cost of the organization of individual knowledge , the higher of the frequency and efficiency of the organization of individual knowledge .

  24. 大学生失业问题对社会的压力逐年增大。大学生失业不同于一般群体的失业,他们是一种高知识、高成本、高预期、高动能群体的失业,因此,产生的社会效应也不同。

    Different from the unemployment of common groups , the unemployment of college students has produces different social effect and given an ever-increasing pressure to the society .

  25. 幸运的是,例如,由于建立开放获取制度的知识库的成本如此低廉,事情仍然在取得进展,特别是在拉丁美洲。

    Fortunately , because establishing open access institutional repositories , for example , is so low-cost , things are moving ahead anyway , particularly in Latin America .

  26. 简要介绍了工程建设项目在具体实施过程中,项目成本控制的知识,以及成本控制过程中需要注意问题。

    This article gives a brief introduction to the knowledge concerning cost-control of items when they are putting in practice and problems being paid attention to during the process of cost-control .

  27. 近几年微软在中国打击盗版已经赢得了许多标志性胜利,但外国企业仍感到在中国市场保护知识产权的成本高昂。

    Microsoft has won many landmark battles against software pirates in China in recent years but foreign businesses still find that the cost of protecting their intellectual property in this market is very high .

  28. 一方面为信息资源的共建共享提供了一个良好的平台,另一方面大幅度地提升了信息检索和知识获取的成本,使得信息索取越来越难。

    This development has on the one hand provided a good platform for the co-construction and sharing of information resources , on the other hand greatly increased the cost for information retrieving and knowledge acquiring , making it more and more difficult to look for information .

  29. Internet上的商业模式可以增进企业协作,改进顾客服务,增进知识共享,降低成本,更快进入新市场,支持全球化,促进企业创新发展。

    Commerce pattern based on internet will enhance enterprise collaboration , improve service for customers , further the share of knowledge , reduce cost , accelerate the occupation of new market , sustain global electronic marketing and advance enterprise innovation development .

  30. 3。实施植物新品种保护直接增加了种子在知识产权方面的成本,提高的成本为每公斤0.27元。

    PVP causes the seed cost 0.27 RMB higher for 1 kilogram .