
zhènɡ mínɡ shānɡ biāo
  • certification mark
  1. 大吉岭名称本身:证明商标。

    Certification mark for Darjeeling word per se .

  2. 依托证明商标实施品牌战略做优做精做强径山茶业

    Relying on the Certification Mark and Implement the Brand Strategy to Build A Strong Jingshan Tea Industry

  3. 1995~2003年集体商标、证明商标申请和注册统计表

    Statistics of Applications and Registrations of Collective and Certification Marks 1995-2003

  4. 环境标志是一种证明商标,保护环境标志的手段是证明商标登记。

    The environment label is a kind of certificate trademark .

  5. 使用该证明商标的条件;

    The conditions for the use of the certification trademark ;

  6. 使用该证明商标的权利、义务;

    The rights and obligations in connection with the use of the certification trademark ;

  7. 据了解,平和?溪蜜柚是我国在国际注册证明商标成功的第一家。

    It is understood that calm pomelo is the international registration marks the first success .

  8. 增加集体商标和证明商标(包括地理标识)的内容;

    To add the content of collective trademark and certification trademark ( including geographical indications );

  9. 注册人对使用该证明商标商品的检验监督制度。

    The inspection and supervisory system of the registrant for the commodity using the certification trademark .

  10. 论证明商标

    On the Certificate of Trademarks

  11. 证明商标作为一种特殊的商标,其使用管理必须遵循特殊的规则和办法。

    Certificate trademark , as being one of special trademark , its utilizing management must follow the special rules and manners .

  12. 商标法应当将非物质文化遗产纳入其保护范围,明确非物质文化遗产可以作为证明商标或集体商标申请注册。

    Trade mark law should protect immaterial cultural heritage and should state that immaterial cultural heritage can apply for registration as certification marks or collective marks .

  13. 一方面,绿色食品标志作为证明商标是品牌的一种表现形式,绿色食品区域品牌是其从属概念。

    On the one hand , the green food mark is a manifestation of certifying that trademarks are brands . Green food regional brand is its subordinate concept .

  14. 与相关法律规定的保护原产地名称的方法相比较,证明商标是保护原产地名称的最有效手段。

    Regarding the way of protecting name of original sourcing location stipulated from relevant laws , certificate trademark is the most effective way for protecting original sourcing location .

  15. 注册为证明商标是地理标志保护的最重要方式,通过将地理标志注册为证明商标,从而让地理标志获得商标法的保护。

    Registered as certification trademark is the most important way to protect the geographical indications , it plays its protecting role by assigning geographical indications registered as certification trademarks .

  16. 本条约不适用于集体商标、证明商标和保证商标。意思自治条款应体现约定的优先适用性。

    This Treaty shall not apply to collective marks , certification marks and guarantee marks . The items of Party Autonomy Principle should show the precedence of the agreement .

  17. 同时在应对之策中,对贵州省地理标志和准地理标志提出了以证明商标进行保护。

    At the same time , on how to protect the geographical indications and prospective geographical indications in Guizhou Province , I think it can be protected with proved trademark .

  18. 集体商标、证明商标的初步审定公告的内容,应当包括该商标的使用管理规则的全文或者摘要。

    The publication on the preliminary approval of a collective or certification trademark shall include the full text or the summary of the rules on the administration of use of trademarks .

  19. 将集群品牌注册为地理标志集体商标,证明商标是从法律上保护集群品牌知识产权的有效模式。

    Therefore , it is a valid mode , registering the cluster brand as the collective trademark or the certification trademark of the geographical indication , to protect the intellectual property of brand .

  20. 我国对地理标志的保护采取了两种途径:一是通过集体商标、证明商标的商标法模式加以保护;二是通过专门的地理标志立法进行保护。

    China has taken two ways to protect geographical indications . First , through the way of collective and certification trademarks protection ; Second , through the development of special provisions to protect GIs .

  21. 集体商标、证明商标的注册和管理办法,由国家工商行政管理局会同国务院有关部门另行制定。

    Provisions for the registration and administration of collective trademarks and certification trademarks shall be formulated separately by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce in cooperation with other departments concerned of the state council .

  22. 消费者层面对农产品品牌竞争力影响指标包括质量保证程度、地理标志产品证明商标和集体商标应用程度、品牌形象力和消费者满意度。

    At consumer level , the factors , including quality assurance level , application level of geographical indication of product certification marks and collective marks , brand power , customer satisfaction , influence the brand competitiveness .

  23. 作为集体商标、证明商标申请注册的地理标志,可以是该地理标志标示地区的名称,也可以是能够标示某商品来源于该地区的其他可视性标志。

    Any geographical mark to be registered as a collective or certification trademark may be the name of the region indicated by the geographical mark , or other visible marks that can identify the product as originating from the said region .

  24. 集体商标、证明商标注册人对使用管理规则的任何修改,应报经商标局审查核准,并自公告之日起生效。

    Any changes to the rules on the use administration by the registrant of the collective or certification trademark shall be subject to the examination and approval of the trademark office , and shall be implemented as of the date of publication .

  25. 证明商标与集体商标的所有人均为某一集体组织,但二者在构成条件、功能、转让、使用管理以及对所有人的要求等方面都有所不同。

    The possessor of Both certificate trademark and collective trademark is a certain collective organization , but both of them have difference in some concepts such as in structural condition , function , transfer , utilizing management and the requirement from the holder .

  26. 地理标志既可以根据《商标法》注册集体商标或证明商标获得商标专有权,也可以依据《地理标志产品保护规定》申请获得地理标志权。

    There are two methods to obtain the geographical indications : first , register collective trademarks or confirmed trademarks to get exclusive rights by " Trademark law ", and second , apply geographical indications rights by " Provisions on the Geographical Indications Products " .

  27. 要促进英山茶叶产业的进一步发展,建议当地政府、企业和农户必须以注册英山原产地证明商标为契机,打造统一的区位品牌,组建英山茶业联合舰队,提高地区茶叶产业竞争力。

    To promote the industry 's further development of Yingshan tea and increase the competition ability of the local tea industry , Yingshan government and tea business and the farmers must register the unified local tea trademark , build a united area brand , and organize a Yingshan tea ally .

  28. 根据中国法律,拥有全球知名品牌的跨国企业必须证明其商标在中国也广为人知。

    Under Chinese law , a multinational with a globally recognised brand must prove that its trademark is also well known within China .

  29. 由于语言和文化的差异,本文引证了无数典型的英文商标名汉译的例子来证明英文商标汉译是一项艰苦的劳动。

    It cites numerous typical example of English brand names ' translation to imply that the translating process is a requiring work because of linguistic and cultural difference between English and Chinese language .

  30. 环境标志是一种体现环境保护要求的证明性商标,它向公众表示该产品在生产、流通、使用以及处理处置过程中对环境无害或危害极小。

    Environmental label is a kind of certificate trademarks which indicate the product being harmless or less harmfulness during producing , circulating , using and disposal processes for public , and then reflect the environmental protection requirements .