
  • 网络momentary verb;instant verb;Instantaneous Verb
  1. 掌握瞬间动词对于一个英语学习者来说极其重要。

    Grasping momentary verbs is momentous to a learner of English .

  2. 在这一章中我们讨论了瞬间动词和瞬间情状的关系,构成瞬间情状需要的条件,瞬间情状句中句子成分之间的关系。

    The relationships between momentary verbs and momentary situations , relationships among sentence parts and conditions needed in a momentary situation are also discussed .

  3. 瞬间动词又包括部分完成动词、绝对终止性动词和部分动态动词。

    Punctual verbs include some perfective verbs , absolutely terminative verbs , and some dynamic verbs .

  4. 标记理论与英语瞬间动词习得中的母语迁移房室折返性心动过速不同终止方式的疗效比较

    The Markedness Theory and the Transfer in the Acquisition of Non & terminative Verbs The therapeutic effects of different terminative methods on the atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia

  5. 为了进一步弄清日韩时间副词的时间表示功能,将日语动词谓语在按照动词的特性分成持续动词、瞬间动词、状态动词、动作动词的基础上,根据时态与上述时间副词进行比较。

    In order to reveal the function of indicating time of the adverbs of time in Japanese and Korean , the author classifies Japanese verbal adverbs durational verbs , instant verbs , state verbs and motional verbs , and compares them with the mentioned adverbs of time .