
shùn shí jì yì
  • immediate memory
  1. 人对CRT显示器屏显字符的认知和瞬时记忆的研究

    A Study on the Cognizance and Immediate Memory of Characters Presented on CRT Display

  2. 材料数量与呈现速度对视、听同时瞬时记忆的影响

    The influence of length of material and presentation rate on simultaneous visual and auditory immediate memory

  3. 有ASD患者的长时记忆、短时记忆、瞬时记忆的多数分测验评分以及记忆商值均明显低于无ASD患者(P均<0.01~0.05)。

    Most scores of subtests in long term memory , short term memory and instant memory and memory quotient were obviously lower in the ASD group than in the non ASD group ( P < 0.01 to 0.05 ) .

  4. 运动功能障碍程度、脑萎缩、抗胆碱药应用时间与N2、P3潜伏期呈正相关,与记忆商呈负相关。结论帕金森病患者存在短时、瞬时记忆功能损害;

    The latent period of N 2 and P 3 were detected , and amplitude of P 3 were positive correlation with motor dysfunction , brain atrophy and application time of anticholinergic drugs , but memory disorder was negative correlation with them .

  5. 在语言收听过程中,记忆、其是瞬时记忆,是理解的前提。

    Memory , especially short-term memory , is the essential prerequisite for understanding in the course of listening .

  6. 电话拨号者的瞬时记忆潜力&一种减少错号电话的心理学方法

    The Potentiality of the Immediate memory of the Telephone Users : A Simple Psychological Method for Reducing Wrong Numbers in Dialling

  7. 短时记忆储存由瞬时记忆过滤之后传送而来的信息,参照长时记忆储存的知识对其进行分析处理;

    The short-term memory stores the information sent by sensory memory , and processes them based on the knowledge stored in long-term memory ;

  8. 口译记忆在口译过程中发挥着不可或缺的作用:瞬时记忆感知记录原语信息;

    Memory plays an important role during the process of interpreting : the sensory memory preserves the sensory stimuli of the source language information ;

  9. 实验提供了关键词记忆法的最佳条件&缺乏二语学习经验的成年学习者对表具体意义的单词的前进式的瞬时记忆。

    The optimal condition for the keyword method is satisfied , specifically , the forward instant recall of L2 concrete words by inexperienced adult learners .

  10. 英国丹尼尔·保罗·谭米特是一位具有超常智力的自闭症学者,他可以进行不可思议的数学运算,瞬时记忆和自然语言学习。

    Daniel Paul Tammet is a British high-functioning autistic savant gifted with a facility for mathematical calculations , sequence memory , and natural language learning .

  11. 结论初次搜索策略主要影响大鼠空间记忆的学习进度,对瞬时记忆和短时记忆没有影响。

    Conclusion : The first swimming pattern mainly influence learning progress of spatial memory in rats , and don 't influence instanta-neous memory and short-term memory .

  12. 结论老年人的长时记忆和瞬时记忆要好于短时记忆,故在训练学习过程中加以重视。

    Conclusions In old people , long-term memory and instantaneous memory are better than short-term memory , so they should be attached importance during training progress .

  13. 结论精神分裂症的记忆功能是受多种因素的影响,如包括长时记忆、短时记忆和瞬时记忆的障碍,且不因病程长短而变化;

    Conclusion The memory function of schizophrenia are affected by multifactorial and include long , short and instantaneous memory disorders and no relation with the duration of illness .

  14. 视觉反向掩蔽现象和掩蔽启动现象涉及视知觉、瞬时记忆、注意与意识过程,并成为典型范式应用于心理学研究。

    AIM : Both backward masking and masked priming involve visual perception , sensory memory , attention and consciousness processes . And they have become typical paradigms used in many psychological researches .

  15. 尽管科学家们发现儿童的瞬时记忆区域中所能储存的信息条目平均要比成年人少一条,但这个现象的原因所在仍然没有公论。

    While scientists have discovered that a kid 's working memory holds on average one less item than an adult 's , the jury is still out on why this is the case .

  16. 影响学生听力水平的因素有:语言基础差,听音能力差,语法结构不熟悉,瞬时记忆差,不会综合推理,不熟悉文化背景等。

    The factors which influence students ' listening comprehension are as follows : weak language foundation , poor listening comprehension , unfamiliar grammatical structure , poor instantaneous memory , poor comprehensive inference and unfamiliar cultural background etc.

  17. 近视力、握力、心理衰老、瞬时记忆积分等,应用六味地黄丸后均有显著改善(P<0.01);安慰剂对照组无明显差异。

    The scores of near vision , grip strength , psychic senile and instant memory improved obviously after Liuwei Dihuang pill treatment ( P < 0.01 ), but the scores in control group had no significant changes .

  18. 瞬时气压记忆型水箭的制作

    Making of water-rocket with transient gaseous pressure memory

  19. 密苏里大学的一个博士生ElizabethMartin将这项最新研究引入工作(瞬时的)记忆。

    Elizabeth Martin , a doctoral student from the University of Missouri , led the latest study into working ( immediate ) memory .

  20. 这种城市公共道路交通导向设计要求设计的文字,图形符号等简洁、准确、易瞬时理解和快速记忆。

    For excellent signs design of public urban road traffic , the design of words , pictures and other elements should be brief , accurate , instantaneously to be understood and fast to be remembered .