
shuì mián zhōnɡ shū
  • sleep center
  1. 本文根据中医惊、劳气虚症理论,结合小平台水环境法建立了大鼠睡眠剥夺中枢疲劳模型。

    According to Traditional Chinese Medicine theory , a sleep deprivation fatigue model was built with flower-pot technique .

  2. 快速眼动睡眠剥夺对中枢5-羟色胺缺失小鼠Orexin阳性神经元活性的影响

    Effect of Rapid Eye Movement Sleep on Neural Activity of Orexin Neurons in Central Serotonin Deficient Mice

  3. 结论睡眠时,正常人呼吸中枢对上气道阻力增加可产生较有效的代偿,呼吸驱动穴P0.1雪维持在清醒时水平鸦在NREM睡眠期,呼吸中枢的化学敏感性降低不明显;

    Conclusions Sleep has significant influence on respiratory regulation in normal people . The respiratory drive ( P0.1 ) in both NREM and REM sleep stages could maintain the awake level due to an effective compensation to the increase of upper airway resistance .