
  • 网络Time
  1. 根据明文大小,将6组时间换算成加密速度。

    According to the size of plaintext , six groups time are changed into encryption speeds .

  2. 好消息是,把时间换算成现金是促进省钱的最简单方法之一。

    The good news : Converting time to cash is one of the easiest ways to boost your savings .

  3. 角度、时间单位换算

    Conversion of arc to time

  4. 我国典型地区不同积分时间降雨率的换算公式

    The Conversion Formulae of Rainfall Rate Distributions with Different Integration Times at the Typical Regions in China

  5. 最后,通过一示例,讨论了在收费道路交通阻抗中,各主要组成部分(收费口延误、道路行驶时间及通行费换算时间)随收费道路长度的变化规律。

    Finally , the regular pattern of each major components ( delay at tollgate , trip time on road and trip time converted from toll fee ) varying with length of toll road is discussed with an example .

  6. 此外,还分析了重演只能是简单而迅速的原因,并定义了一个表征个体发育时间与系统发育时间换算关系的时间当量。

    Besides , we analyse the reason that the recapitulation can only be simple and rapid , and a time equivalent of conversion relation between the time of ontogeny and phylogeny is also defined .

  7. 这样每次测量的时间根据放射性强度的不同自动选择,但最后给出的测量结果又必须将不同时间的计数换算为相同时间的计数。

    The measurement time can be adjusted automatically based on the intension of the radioactivity . But at the end , one need converse the count of different time to the same one .