
  1. 她是位颇有建树的画家。

    She is an accomplished painter .

  2. 哈佛商学院的教授MichaelPorter在研究竞争力方面颇有建树,他认为英国仍然是“有吸引力的地方”。

    Michael Porter , a professor at Harvard Business School who has made a career out of studying competitiveness , believes that Britain still remains a " very attractive value proposition " .

  3. 霍勒斯·格里利首先是一位颇有建树的办报人。

    Horace Greeley was first of all a successful newspaperman .

  4. 张君教授从医多年,对儿科疾病的中医诊治颇有建树。

    Professor Zhang , Jun has been an experienced doctor for many years .

  5. 李健颐是近现代医学史上一位颇有建树的中医学家。

    Li Jianyi was a traditional Chinese physician with great achievements in modern times .

  6. 另外,德贞在西方科技东传方面也颇有建树,他曾发表多篇文章,涉及西方印刷术、轨道交通建设及摄影术等。

    He had published many articles on western printing methods , railway transportation and photography .

  7. 赵树理不仅是一位很有成就的小说家,也是一位在文艺思想方面颇有建树的文艺思想家。

    Zhao Shuli is not only an outstanding novelist , but also a very famous art thinker .

  8. 在理论话语方面,法国妖妇派颇有建树,将焦点集中在对女性身体与语言及写作关系的探讨,体现了反叛启蒙理性的战斗精神和浓厚的乌托邦色彩。

    In theory speaking , goblin of French women concentrates focus on the body-writing with dense Utopia color .

  9. 古远清是上世纪90年代以来大陆出现的一位颇有建树的台湾文学研究专家。

    Gu yuan-qing has been a distinguished expert whose academic interests focus on literature of Taiwan province since the 1990s .

  10. 奎因除了分析哲学和语言哲学方面的成就之外,他在逻辑学领域也颇有建树。

    Besides the achievements on the field of analysis philosophy and language philosophy , Quine also have made some contribute .

  11. 这个团队大约有八个人,他们大都博学多才,而且在众多领域都颇有建树。

    So this is a team of maybe eight or so polymaths who are exceptionally bright over a broad range .

  12. 作为英国当代著名学者,戴维·洛奇在文学批评和文学创作领域颇有建树。

    As a distinguished contemporary British scholar , David Lodge has achieved great successes in fields of both literary criticism and literary creation .

  13. 除了与许多颇有建树,也很被收藏市场青睐的艺术家们合作,博雅珊也帮助和支持一些正在成长的艺术家们。

    She works with many established , heavily collected international artists , as well as supporting the development of up and coming talent .

  14. 纽约的中国艺术市场当时规模较小,而他成为了这个市场的领军者,而他本人也是一位颇有建树的艺术家。

    He became the dean of the rarefied market for Chinese art in New York and was an accomplished artist in his own right .

  15. 在许多研究中基于不同的视角对这一现象进行了深入的研究,形成了一大批颇有建树的理论成果。

    Many studies on different perspectives on this phenomenon have been done , and a large number of successes theoretical results have been found .

  16. 上个月,你在事业进展方面颇有建树,你可以让那些冲劲继续保持。

    Last month you had a lot of developments in your career , and you can let the momentum of what you achieved carry you forward .

  17. 齐美尔是德国20世纪最重要的思想家之一,他在社会学、宗教学、哲学、美学等多个领域颇有建树。

    Achieving great triumph in Sociology , Religious Study , Philosophy , Aesthetics , etc , Simmel was one of the most important German thinker in 20th century .

  18. 1919年成立的全国报界联合会,对推动报业进步、督促政治改良颇有建树,在中国近代新闻事业史上留下了光辉的一页。

    The China Press League established in 1919 is the first nationwide press organization in the Republican era and it pushed forward of newspaper development and political improvement significantly .

  19. 同时他在美学和艺术创造理论上也颇有建树,形成一个比较完整的体系,开创近代文化先风。

    And then , he made many achievements in the theories aesthetic and artistic creation , formed a relatively complete system , and created the first step of the modern culture .

  20. 在安徽革命政权的建设上,柏文蔚更是政绩斐然,在政治、经济、文化等多方面都颇有建树。

    Further more , Bai Wen-wei did a perfect job in building the revolutionary regime , making major attainments in many aspects , such as political , economical , cultural and etc.

  21. 他长期从事于法律、道德和政治哲学的教学与研究工作,在法哲学、政治哲学、道德与实践理性领域颇有建树,是当代法律、道德与政治哲学领域最杰出的学者之一。

    He has been dedicated to teaching and studying law , morality , and political philosophy . He made great achievements in legal philosophy , political philosophy , moral and practical reasoning .

  22. 在学术思想、治学方法和临证思维等方面深受各大名家的影响,使冯老师在老年骨伤科疾病治疗方面颇有建树,学有渊源。

    Lie was deeply impacted by various masters in academic thinking , scholarly approach and treatment thinking , which made many achievements on the treatment of orthopedic diseases in old age . 3 .

  23. 哈耶克的研究领域极其广泛,涉及经济学、哲学、心理学、政治学和法学等多门学科,并且在这些学科中都颇有建树。

    The field of study of Hayek was extremely extensive , involving the multi-discipline such as economics , philosophy , psychology , political science , law and so on . And he had quite contributed in these disciplines .

  24. 除涉足娱乐圈外,她还在商业领域颇有建树,其中包括经营服装、配饰、香水等。此外,她拥有一家制片公司,主持电视节目,还成立了一家慈善机构。

    Beside entertainment world , J. Lo enjoyed a highly successful business career , consisting of various clothing lines , accessories , fragrances , a production company , television shows and a charitable foundation among other business interests .

  25. 西伯利是当代西方著名的分析传统的哲学家之一,他在伦理学、感觉和心灵的哲学分析、美学等领域都颇有建树,然而国内学界至今仍是无人问津。

    As one of the famous philosophers to analyze tradition in contemporary Western , Sibley made great achievement in the fields of ethics , philosophical analysis of sensation and mind and aesthetics , however , he still has remained unknown to Chinese academic circles .

  26. 这一书画家群体在继承传统的同时反对泥古不化,在艺术方面颇有独特见解和建树。

    While inheriting the tradition , this painting and calligraphy groups opposed to learn it is not of quite unique insights and achievements in the arts .
