
juàn cūn
  • military dependents' village
  1. 两位文藻外语学院毕业学生于去年暑假开始在这眷村墙壁上画画。

    Two graduates from Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages started painting on the walls of the village last summer vacation .

  2. 眷村是台湾特定时空下的产物,已经成为一个逐渐消失的地标,并被赋予刻板化印象。

    Military dependents villages is the product of a specific time and space , it is a landmark in the gradual disappearance , and was entrusted with the stereotypical impression .

  3. 眷村小说通过介入台湾文学主体建构、对个人记忆和集体记忆的书写、空间策略、双重困境下的颠覆策略四个方面展开了对当代台湾文学的建构和言说。

    It constructs the contemporary literature through literature subject building , personal memory and collective memory of the writing , and space strategy , the strategy of subversion under the dual plight .

  4. 同时族群问题也在解严后浮出历史地表,成为众声喧哗的文学场域中一个不可忽略的因素,族群隐喻也是眷村小说吸引众多关注的重要因素。

    Besides , ethnic problems had become evident after the lifting of martial law . The ethnic metaphor about Military dependents villages ' novels is an important factor of arousing the concern of readers . And it becomes an important factor in the tumultuous literature field .
