
zhí xuǎn
  • directly elected
  1. 直选议席的比例维持在百分之五十。

    The proportion of directly elected seats would remain at50 per cent .

  2. 直选产生的当地官员们的重要性似乎将肯定不断上升从而使他们成为全国性的政客。

    Directly elected local officials seem certain to grow in importance as national politicians .

  3. 50名成员将通过直选产生。

    Fifty of its members will be elected by direct ballot .

  4. 社区居委会直选中居民参与行为的调查分析&以H市为例

    A Survey on Resident 's Participation Behaviors in Direct Election of Community Residents ' Committee & Take H City of as an Example

  5. 然而,当时直选无法在大范围内进行。

    Yet direct voting could not operate over a large space .

  6. 关于乡镇长直选的思考

    About the Thinking of Head of Villages and Towns Being Elected Directly

  7. 我们希望在地区直选的五个地区里获得二十五席。

    We hope to get25 seats from five geographical constituencies .

  8. 村民直选:村民自治的关键所在&海原县村民自治状况调查研究报告

    Direct Election : Keys to Villagers ' Autonomy

  9. 届时,所有成年居民都有权投票,选出二十个直选议席。

    Every adult permanent resident will have the right to vote for the 20 directly-elected seats .

  10. 在西方,竞选、直选都是选举的题中应有之义。

    In western countries , the election has the meaning of directive and campaigning for office .

  11. 本文以社区直选制度中所存在的问题及其解决路径为主要研究对象。

    This essay targets the problems existing under community direct election system as the research object .

  12. 现在最早的选举人将有权通过直选选举特首是2017年。

    The earliest voters would be entitled to elect the chief executive by popular vote is now2017 .

  13. 通过建立专业化的调解委员会,改革现行的劳动争议处理体制;实行工会工资与经费由会员支付制度和干部直选制度,保障工会维权的独立性;

    It is urgent to reform present settlement system of labor disputes by setting up special arbitration committee ;

  14. 制约农村妇女政治参与相关因素的分析&村委会直选与妇女参政研究

    An analysis of the relative factors restricting women in rural areas from participating in government and political affairs

  15. 立法会可增加直选议席,取消分组投票制。

    The number of directly elected seats could be increased and Legco 's split-voting system could be scrapped .

  16. 2002年10月,天津开发区翠亨社区全体居民直选出了自己的居委会,这是天津市第一个通过直接选举产生的社区居民委员会。

    In October 2002 , the whole residents at Cui-heng community of TEDA directly elected its own residential committee .

  17. 第二部分是关于村委会直选概念、依据与意义的阐述。

    The second part is about directly elected village committee and significance of concept , based on this paper .

  18. 只有推行真正的民主、推动特首直选,才有可能促成这种变化。

    Only a move to real democracy and a directly elected chief executive offers the prospect of delivering such change .

  19. 在这个国土面积几乎是美国或者中国两倍的联邦制国家里,恢复地区行政首脑直选是件大事。

    In a federal country almost twice the area of the US or China , this is a big deal .

  20. 分三小节,第一小节就村委会直选的概念进行了阐述。

    Three bar , the first section is the concept of directly elected village committee is discussed in this paper .

  21. 许多学者主张以乡镇直选、乡镇自治来改革乡镇治理,实现乡村的善治。

    Many scholars claim that reforming town governance through autonomy and direct election will achieve good governance in rural areas .

  22. 香港立法会的大多数议员都不是透过直选产生。

    The majority of the members of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong were not elected by a popular franchise .

  23. 如果官方以后能够建立个人选举的话(我的理解是直选),法律要求必须有随时可统计的临时投票。

    This law requires a provisional ballot to be counted if officials are able to later establish that an individual could vote .

  24. 比如说您支持某些领导职位进行直选和差额选举吗?

    Do you , for example , support the idea of direct elections , competitive elections on various levels of the government ?

  25. 某种程度上,他与这个山村已然合为一起。稍早之前,他更是以直选的方式被村民选为这个山村的村长。

    Actually he has combined himself with his village , not long ago he was elected as the village head in a democratic way .

  26. 党内选举制度是依据宪法而来的,公推直选扩大了党内选举的范围。

    The inner-party electoral system is comes based on the constitution , chose by acclamation the direct election to expand the inner-party election scope .

  27. 在农村经济改革中复苏的家族,借助村民直选的制度渠道成了影响农村权力结构的社会因素。

    The family recovering in the rural economic reform has become the social factor which influences the rural power structure through villagers ' electing directly .

  28. 而撤消乡镇,实行乡镇自治与乡镇领导直选又不失为一种新的思维。

    It should be a new thought to repeal the town , exe cute town autonomy , and elect the leadership of the town directly .

  29. 由于居委会直选是通过这种方式得以实施的,这使得直选居委会依然能够保留一定的行政化色彩,并由此部分地化解了体制上的冲突。

    Because of the method of the residents committee direct election , it can also maintain certain administration characteristics and then dissolve the system conflict .

  30. 村民直选是我国选举制度上的重大进步之一,它极大地唤起村民的政治参与热情。

    The villagers ' election is one of great progress of electoral system in our country , and it arouses the politics participation enthusiasm of villagers .