
yǎng zǐ
  • adopted son;adopted child;foster son;foster child
养子 [yǎng zǐ]
  • (1) [adopted son; foster son ]∶收养的而非亲生的儿子

  • (2) [adopted child; foster child]∶收养的而非亲生的孩子

养子[yǎng zǐ]
  1. 他被骗得相信自己是个养子。

    He was cheated into believing that he was an adopted son .

  2. 他把孤儿当作养子。

    He looked on the orphan as his adopted son .

  3. 这家人把斯蒂芬·史密斯视为养子一样当作一家人。

    Stephen Smith was accepted into the family like an adopted brother .

  4. 当年的老板卢韦纳如今已去世,他是一名马戏团演员的养子,曾为演员米基?鲁尔克(MickeyRourke)和德鲁?巴里摩尔(DrewBarrymore)等名人纹过身。

    The late Louvaine , the adoptive son of a circus performer , tattooed celebrities including actors Mickey Rourke and Drew Barrymore .

  5. 双养子沟道右岸滑坡体H1是在强降雨情况下失稳滑入沟床,堵塞沟道,然后在洪水作用下溃决形成泥石流的;

    After the H1 landslide on the right bank of Shuangyangzi gully slided and blocked gully channel in case of heavy rainfall under the inducement of the flood , debris flow outburst .

  6. 医生Netsu表示,婴儿(目前尚未得知其性别)先作为外婆的亲子登记入户,随后再以养子的身份归于父母名下。

    Netsu said the baby whose gender has not been revealed was first registered as a child of the surrogate mother and later adopted by the daughter and her husband .

  7. 所有普通的孩子都知道你是养子。

    All the regular kids know you 're a foster kid .

  8. 是的,他只有一个养子。

    Bob : Yes , he only had an adopted child .

  9. 日本历史上的养子制及其文化特征

    The Adoption System in the Japanese History and Its Cultural Traits

  10. 1955年出生的乔布斯是一个普通人家的养子

    Born in 1955 , Jobs was adopted by a modest family

  11. 毕竟我是你的一号养子。

    After all , I am your number-one adopted son .

  12. 这对夫妇对待他们的养子视如己出。

    This couple treats their adopted child as their own .

  13. 亨利啊镇长的养子

    Henry , the mayor 's adopted kid . Oh , Henry .

  14. 再要个养子再阉了。

    And you adopt another son and castrate him too .

  15. 养子,或是哥哥

    or the stepson or the brother that all of you deserve .

  16. 就是那种养父母漠不关心的养子

    The kind of kids adoptive parents wanted nothing to do with --

  17. 唐代宦官养子制度探略

    An inquiry into the adoption system of the eunuch in the Tang Dynasty

  18. 他是我父亲的养子,我们在奔流城一起长大。

    He was my father 's ward . We grew up together in Riverrun .

  19. 他的养子上周出国了。

    His adopted son went abroad last week .

  20. 此外,与收养人有关的一些亲属们也对养子(女)具有一定的权利和义务。

    The relatives of the adopter have certain rights and obligations to adopted children .

  21. 以养子的身份被抚养;用于指孩子。

    Bring up under fosterage ; of children .

  22. 人皆养子望聪明,我被聪明误一生。

    People expect their kids wise ; wisdom spoils me in my whole life .

  23. 我八岁起就是史塔克大人的养子.

    I 've been Lord Stark 's ward since I was eight years old .

  24. 到2006年,澳洲家庭已千变万化:母亲、父亲与养子;

    There are numerous permutations of family in2006 Australia : mother , father and adopted children ;

  25. 这年轻人不是别人,正是科林斯王波力波斯的养子俄狄浦斯。

    The young man was none other than Oedipus , adopted son of Corinth king Polybus .

  26. 当我十岁时,我父母告诉我,我是养子。

    When I was ten years old , my parents told me that I was adopted .

  27. 丹尼是他们的养子。

    Danny is their adopted son .

  28. 曹操的父亲是宦官中常侍曹腾的养子。

    Cao 's father was the adopted son of the chief eunuch of the imperial court .

  29. 他看了他的养子休假,使刚毛作姿势,而且突然他的力量留下了他。

    He watched his adopted son leave , posture bristling , and suddenly his strength left him .

  30. 是永久性偶极子的分子。他把孤儿当作养子。

    A molecule that is a permanent dipole . He looked on the orphan as his adopted son .