
  • 网络Centennial;centenary
  1. 1905&2005物理学百年纪念

    1905 & 2005 Centenary of Physics

  2. 北京大学百年纪念堂广场建成环境研究

    Researches in the Built Environment of Beijing University Centennial Hall Square

  3. 泪囊鼻腔吻合术的体会&Toti手术百年纪念

    The experience of dacryocystorhinostomy ( DCR ) & century memory for Toti surgery

  4. 百周年庆祝活动其中是所谓的百年纪念姊妹社计划。

    One of the anniversary observance will be the Centennial Twin Club Project .

  5. 他们已经被送到了百年纪念医院。

    They 've been * To Centennial memorial .

  6. 据估计,至2016年8月25日管理局迎来成立百年纪念之际,游客数量还将持续上升。

    Those numbers are expected to increase as the agency approaches its centennial anniversary on Aug. 25 , 2016 .

  7. 当我们宣布在芝加哥敲响百年纪念钟,象徵百周年纪念年会正式开始时,那会是多美好的一刻!

    What a moment it will be when we ring the Centennial bell to signify the opening of the Centennial Convention in Chicago !

  8. 为了百年纪念修复,现在的自由电梯公司,当时属于国家电梯,被授予合同,在神像内安装一部大型的双层液压电梯。

    For the centennial restoration , the current Liberty Elevator Corp. , then a division of National Elevator , was awarded the contract to install a large , double-decker hydraulic elevator in the statue .

  9. 这个76小时的旅程穿越澳大利亚内陆,在凯瑟琳和艾利斯斯普林斯等地停靠,还新增了一项短途旅行,前往库伯佩迪偏僻空旷的猫眼石矿山,今年该矿将迎来百年纪念日。

    The 76-hour trip through the Australian Outback includes stops at Katherine and Alice Springs and a new excursion to Coober Pedy 's remote and cavernous opal mine , which will celebrate its centennial this year .

  10. 巴黎主办过1924年奥运会,他们希望在2024年主办百年纪念版奥运。1932年和1984年两次主办奥运的洛杉矶也希望再有机会。

    Paris is bidding for a chance to host a centennial version of the 1924 Games held in that city , while Los Angeles wants a chance to host again after staging the Games in 1932 and 1984 .

  11. 就在我和丈夫回家后几周时间里,我一直惦念着欧文斯和他可爱的小马驹,并在网上发现了一个美国威尔士马驹及短腿壮马协会的百年纪念展览。

    A couple of weeks after my husband and I got home , still thinking of Owens and his charming ponies , I went online and found it was the centennial show of the Welsh Pony and Cob Societyof America .