
  1. 其中,包括地文旅游景观类、水域风光类、生物景观类、古迹与建筑类、消闲求知类及购物类。

    It includes geographical landscape , water scenery , biological landscape , historic interest and ancient buildings , cultural tourism resource and tourism shopping .

  2. 主要旅游资源类型包括人文景观、地文景观、水域风光、生物景观、天象与气候景观、遗址遗迹等。

    The main tourist resources include cultural landscape , land scenery , waters scenery , biological landscape , astronomer and climatic scenery , sites and ruins .

  3. 桂西南旅游资源相当丰富,主要特色是边关风情、文化风情、斯特山水风光和生物景观。

    The tour resources is abundant in southwest of Guangxi , they have characters of customs of border area , customs of Zhuang culture , sights of Karst landscape and landscape of living things .

  4. 对诺水河的生物景观、地质遗迹景观、红军文化等方面进行了详尽的描述,并从科学性、美学性、文化性及区位条件对地质遗迹景观进行了评价。

    This paper describes biological and geological landscapes and humane landscape on Chinese Workers ' and Peasants ' Red Army in detail , and assesses geological landscape in terms of science , aesthetics , culture and geographical position .

  5. 如果它能加快自然循环、解决生物和景观保护等生态学问题,便可实现人类的可持续发展。

    If it can accelerate nation circulating and resolve the ecology problem about protection of landscape and organisms environment , it will achieve the mankind continual development .

  6. 建筑景观与气候的共生&生物气候学建筑景观设计

    Architecture , landscape and climate in symbiosis : landscape design of bioclimatic architecture

  7. 生物保护的景观生态安全格局

    Landscape ecological security patterns in Biological Conservation

  8. 生态脆弱区的生物气候学建筑景观设计&河西走廊古浪地区景观规划

    Bioclimatic architecture and landscape design in weak-ecosystem region & Landscape plan of gulang in Hexi corridor

  9. 以岛屿生物地理学和景观生态学为理论基础,提出了天然岛状地的界定。

    On the basis of Island Biogeographic Theory and Landscape Ecology , the definition of natural island land is given to analyze the correlative land use and cover change ( LUCC ) on landscape units .

  10. 研究表明,高强度土地资源开发利用是青岛市景观变化的直接驱动因素,生物过程在景观动态变化过程中居于次要地位;

    Study results indicate that land resource utilities of high density are the direct driving force of landscape changing , and the natural processes just hold the second driving position in the changing of Qingdao .

  11. 城市绿地在城市生态系统中具有不可替代的作用,具有改善局部小气候、净化空气、降低噪音、提供生物栖息地以及景观娱乐等生态功能。

    The city green-land has irreplaceable function in city ecosystem , it has ecological function such as improving local microclimate , cleansing air , reducing noise , providing habitat for biology and sight entertainment and so on .

  12. 折流式活性炭纤维生物膜工艺处理景观水研究

    Study on polluted scenic water treatment by baffled ACF biofilm reactor

  13. 生物滤沟处理景观水体试验研究

    Experimental Research on Biological Filtering Ditch for Scenery Water Body Treatment

  14. 其中负面的影响主要表现在对区域水资源平衡、生物丰度和区域景观的多样性影响的影响。

    The negative impacts are those to water resource balance , biology abundance and landscape diversity .

  15. 户外广告是经济发展的伴生物,是城市景观的物质形式,是城市形象的重要表现。

    It is a product of economical development , a material form of urban landscape , an important performance of city image .

  16. 地下水硝酸盐污染原位微生物修复技术研究进展微生物对生物栅技术修复景观水体的作用

    The progress of in-situ microbial remediation for removal nitrate from groundwater Function of Microorganism on the Pollutants Removal from Polluted River Water Using a BGD Device

  17. 生态评价的目的就是确定该区域生物多样性与景观生态的分布和特征,并在此基础上预测项目产生的生态影响的类型、程度和范围。

    The ecological assessment aims at determining the types , range , and intensity of impacts of this project based on characteristics and distribution of biodiversity on this area .

  18. 生态恢复与重建是跨尺度、多等级的问题,其主要表现层次应是生态系统(生物群落)、景观,甚至区域,而不能仅仅局限于生态系统。

    Ecological restoration and rehabilitation should be a multiple-scale project rather than be limited in a single ecosystem , and should include ecosystem or biota , landscape and even region .

  19. 针对湿地生物多样性、景观多样性、文化多样性等特点对湿地的旅游价值作了进一步的探讨,提出了湿地旅游可持续发展的几点对策。

    In addition , in allusion to the biodiversity , landscape diversity and culture diversity of wetlands , it makes forward discussion on the value of Wetland Tourism and proposes some countermeasures to the sustainable development of wetland tourism .

  20. 以北京水乡和珠江三角洲河口为例,从区域生物多样性、景观异质性、区域生态恢复等3个角度探讨了区域性环城绿地生态规划的理念。

    The article has taken the water regions of Beijing and the Pearl River Delta as examples to discuss the concept of regional green space around city from the points of view of regional biodiversity , landscape heterogeneity , regional ecological renovation etc.

  21. 最后提出围垦区改造模式,和新建围垦工程的设计理念,使流域能保持水文平衡,达到防灾、减灾的目的,兼顾生物多样性、景观美学特征保护的目的。

    At last , the thesis provides a scientific reform mode of reclamation for the purpose of keeping the hydrological balance of river basin , and of preventing and reducing disasters , coupled with the protection of the characteristics of landscape esthetics and biodiversity .

  22. 子目标层从不同侧面反映影响的程度和特点,包括水文特征、河流水质、河流形态、河流连通性、生物生境、生物群落、河流景观七个方面。

    Sub-target layer reflected the extent and character of impacts from different aspects , including the hydrological characteristics , water quality , riverine morphology , connectivity of river systems , biotopes , biological communities and landscape .