
  1. 我抽过的香烟品牌从万宝路(Marlboros)换成骆驼(Camels)、肥仔骆驼(CamelWides)、百乐门(Parliaments),一直到我最喜欢的温斯顿(WinstonLights)。

    I went from Marlboros to Camels to Camel Wides to Parliaments to my delicious mainstay , Winston Lights .

  2. 我在百乐门大厦工作,读了你们关于大厦电梯坠落的文章。

    I read your article about the elevator drop in the Paramount Building , which is where I work .

  3. 根据纽约州记录来看,百乐门大厦的电梯之前没有出过问题。

    From city records , it does 't appear that the building 's elevators have had a history of problems .

  4. 最近更新:按照安装使用时间来算,百乐门大厦的电梯可能之前没有出现过问题,但是当跟工人交谈时,你会发现事实是另外一种情况。

    Update : Well , the Paramount 's elevators might not have a history of problems as far as the DOB is concerned , but the story is different when you talk to the workers in the building .