
chī xīn
  • infatuation;blind love;silly wish;blind passion
痴心 [chī xīn]
  • [infatuation] 深深迷恋于某人或某事物

痴心[chī xīn]
  1. 期望不再辜负我痴心的关注。

    Hoping no longer let my blind love down .

  2. 亲爱的,你可知我想你的痴心?

    Honey , you know I miss you infatuation ?

  3. 他对他的新女友一片痴心。

    He is completely besotted with his new girlfriend .

  4. 我整天等待,痴心地希望她会回心转意。

    I waited all day in the fond hope that she would change her mind .

  5. 约翰尼是追她的人中最痴心、最没有心机的一个。

    Johnny was the most persistent and most harmless of her admirers .

  6. 他对那姑娘很痴心,可是人家却看不上他。

    He is crazy about the girl , but she doesn 't think much of him .

  7. 2011年早些的时候,痴心的卡勒姆仍然不愿放弃,还在Facebook上找寻默里小姐的踪迹,不过默里马上就在社交网站上屏蔽了他。

    In early 2011 , Culum was still refusing to give up , and tracked Miss Murray down on Facebook , only for her promptly to block him from contacting her on the site .

  8. 对于她那样痴心的轻信,愤怒和抗议又有什么用呢?

    What use were anger and protestations against her silly credulity ?

  9. 俊秀的蒙塔古啊,我真的太痴心了。

    In truth , fair Montague , I am too fond .

  10. 犯下这么多错之后,还对你痴心不改

    for all his mistakes , is so smitten with you .

  11. 旧爱已杳然,痴心何悲叹!所叹谁堪解?

    Who can say why your heart sighs as your love flies ?

  12. 你这痴心的疯子,听我说一句话。

    Thou fond mad man , hear me but speak a word .

  13. 我就有自言自语一百遍的痴心。

    I have the devotion to talk to myself one hundred times .

  14. 告诉你,他对我是一片痴心。

    He 's mad about me , I tell you .

  15. 我了解你,我对你痴心依旧。

    I know you I were belleving for so long .

  16. 情像水向东逝去,痴心枉倾注。

    Love looks like water passing east , foolishly poured in vain .

  17. 中国苹果迷们痴心等待的那一天即将到来。

    Theday has almost come for Apple afficionados in China .

  18. 祖母怀有几分痴心,她很想去参加这个舞会。

    Grandmother has a bee in his bonnet about going to the dance .

  19. 不懂我痴心的疲惫;

    Do not understand the weariness of my infatuation ;

  20. “看来,你对你的勃拉什维尔不是很痴心吗?”

    " So you really idolize him deeply , that blachevelle of yours ?"

  21. 我就不要痴心地爱上你。

    I should not crash on you at first .

  22. 他老痴心于在半夜唱歌。

    He 's fond of singing at midnight .

  23. 我与那痴心的花儿呢喃低诉。

    I and the infatuation flowers twitter low v.

  24. (对某事物[某人]的)特殊的或痴心的爱好

    Special or foolish liking for sth / sb

  25. 不要辜负我的一片痴心。

    Don 't let down my cheer infatuation .

  26. 她一片痴心地谈她孩子如何聪明。

    She raved about her child 's intelligence .

  27. 她耐心的等待著,痴心的相信他会回到她身边来。

    She 's waiting patiently in the fond belief he 'll come back to her .

  28. 她的痴心想望破碎了。

    Her fond hope were dashed .

  29. 既然她无法祝愿他获得成功,她衷心希望他不要那么痴心。

    And as she could not even wish him successful , she heartily wished him indifferent .

  30. 为什么这样子苍白、憔悴,痴心汉?

    Why So Pale and Wan ?