
  • 网络Zhou Ping;Eliz
  1. 周萍我昨天晚上已经跟你说过了。

    PING : I told you all about it last night .

  2. 周萍形象新论

    New Interpretation to the Image of ZHOU Ping Jay Chou A week

  3. 周萍因为因为我不想带你去。

    PING : Because-because I don 't choose to .

  4. 蘩漪和周萍的矛盾是整部《雷雨》的重要线索,他们的悲剧历程贯穿全剧始终,并起着相当重要的作用。

    The contradiction between Fan Yi and Zhou Ping is the main thread in Rain and Thunder .