- 名security of lien

Competition and cooperation conditions of mortgage and detain right and it 's validity
On the Debt Secured by Cargo Lien by Sea
All rights secured by mortgages , pledges or rights of retention shall be secured rights of creditors in reorganizers ; and all right without such security shall be rights of creditors without security .
Priority order of possessory lien on vessel in the ships security interests
Chinese law considers the lien as a kind of real rights , so when the lien meets the elements of enforcement , it can constitute an Exemption Right .
The effect shut and factor influencing lien effect that scope of validity , lien and other real right of pledge of lien compete that chapter four will expound the fact ;
Chapter V sum up and analyze question of the priorty of lien , specially analyze the situation where lien and other read right for security coexist , then obtain the general principle that lien is prior to other real right for security .