
  1. 电视民生新闻平民话语权研究

    The Research about Civilian Right of Speech in TV News Livelihood

  2. 对电视民生新闻栏目主持人的冷思考

    The Rational Study of the Host in TV Civil News Programme

  3. 电视民生新闻媒介生态环境与受众分析

    The Analysis on Medium Environment and Audience of Television Livelihood News

  4. 电视民生新闻传播研究

    On the Communication of Television News about People 's Livelihood

  5. 多元视角下的电视民生新闻研究

    A Multi-view Research of TV News of People 's Livelihoods

  6. 第二章为电视民生新闻语力研究。

    The second chapter is the television livelihood of the people news-force research .

  7. 电视民生新闻存在问题及发展趋势的若干思考

    Some Thoughts on the Problems in and Development Trend of the Television Civil News

  8. 试论电视民生新闻主持人的播报特色

    Broadcasting Characteristics of Anchorpersons in Local News Programs

  9. 电视民生新闻经过近十年的发展,已经取得了巨大的成就。

    After nearly a decade development , the television civil news has received tremendous achievement .

  10. 电视民生新闻:在故事化的叙述中坚守新闻的真实性

    On Authenticity of TV 's Livelihood News

  11. 我国电视民生新闻实践与公共话语空间的构建

    The Practice of Television News of People 's Livelihood and the Construction of Public Discourse Space

  12. 电视民生新闻解读

    The Television Civil News Analyses

  13. 也只有这样,我们的电视民生新闻才能真正打开一条更加宽广的发展之路。

    Only this way can we open a wider rode for the TV civil news ' development .

  14. 由此,电视民生新闻的发展空间很大。

    Therefore , the development space of the television news of people 's livelihood is very big .

  15. 主要回顾电视民生新闻的研究现状、本研究的研究意义及研究方法。

    Review of television livelihood of the people news research situation , the research significance and research method .

  16. 第二个层次,也是本文的重点,主要研究我国社会转型期内电视民生新闻平民话语权问题。

    The other is the research about civilian right of speech in TV news civilian livelihood of our country .

  17. 第三章通过对《经视直播》栏目的研究,分析得出武汉地区电视民生新闻存在的问题以及原因分析。

    Chapter III by researching the live column , analysis problems and cause analysis of TV news in Wuhan .

  18. 民生新闻研究:还有多少空间?&电视民生新闻研究(2003-2005)述评

    The common news research : How much room is left ? The television common news research ( 2003-2005 ) commentary

  19. 成都电视民生新闻的出现更有着其自身独特的经济、治、化背景。

    And the appearance of Chengdu people 's livelihood TV news has its own unique economical , political and cultural background .

  20. 乌鲁木齐地区电视民生新闻解析&以乌鲁木齐电视台《大事小事》为例

    Observation on Television News of People 's Livelihoods in Urumqi & Taking " Big and Small Issues " Column As Example

  21. 作为中国电视民生新闻中不可忽略的组成部分,成都电视民生新闻的特点和缺失,不可避免地反映了中国电视民生新闻在发展过程中的得失。

    Be a non-neglectful component , Chengdu people 's livelihood TV news reflect Chinese people 's livelihood TV news ' gains and looses .

  22. 电视民生新闻与公共新闻作为当前两大备受关注的新闻形态,因各种原因而面临发展瓶颈。

    As the two current noteworthy news , television livelihood news and public news are faced with the development bottleneck for various reasons .

  23. 电视民生新闻作为有别于传统电视新闻的新新闻样式,兼具时政新闻和社会新闻双重特性。

    Being a new style different from the traditional news , the television civil news has both characteristics of politic news and social news .

  24. 电视民生新闻以其显著的参与性、服务性以及对百姓生计的关怀而区别于其他电视新闻。

    Known for its prominent participation , service and concern about people 's lives , People 's Livelihood TV News is different from others .

  25. 电视民生新闻从诞生起,一直是新闻传播业界与学界所共同关注的热点话题之一。

    TV civic news is one of the hotest topics concerned by both the mass communication field and the theoretical field from it arise in China .

  26. 近两年来,与电视民生新闻的红透半边天相对照,一度倍受青睐的电视新闻评论节目却日渐式微。

    In the last two years , contrast to the popularity of Television Civil News , the once-favored Chinese TV news commentary program lost audience gradually .

  27. 我国电视民生新闻的发展过程中,引入了公共新闻理念,有观点认为这是民生新闻的自我提升。

    In the development of TV civic news , we introduced the theory of Public Journalism , some people think it is the Self-improvement of TV civic news .

  28. 同时,总结和研究2004年成都电视民生新闻,还可以对成都电视新闻节目未来的发展起指导性作用。

    At the sme time , summarize and study Chengdu people 's livelihood TV news in 2004 , could make guided effects on future development of Chengdu TV news .

  29. 在论文的最后部分,重点转入了对电视民生新闻未来发展策略和方向的思考。

    In the last part of the paper , the emphasis is put on the thought of Television news of people 's livelihoods ' future developing strategies and directions .

  30. 本文以我国社会转型期的时代特征为研究背景,以电视民生新闻的“平民化”特征为突破口,对我国电视民生新闻平民话语权的问题进行深入分析。

    Chinas social transition is the times as a research background of the papers , and the " civilians " identity of the TV News livelihood as a breakthrough .