
dú jiā xīn wén
  • scoop;exclusive;an exclusive news report;beat
独家新闻[dú jiā xīn wén]
  1. 今天的天气新闻网的独家新闻。

    With today 's scoop for the Weather News Network .

  2. 他们带着一篇独家新闻飞回佩斯。

    They flew back to Perth with a scoop .

  3. 后来那次报道成为英国皇家电视协会(RoyalTelevisionSociety)新闻奖之“年度独家新闻奖”的提名作品,不过该奖当时尚未颁奖。

    That story has since been nominated for Scoop of the Year at the Royal Television Society 's upcoming journalism awards .

  4. “抢”(新闻)n.独家新闻获得那个消息是这位记者终身难逢的独家新闻。

    Getting that story was the scoop of a lifetime for the journalist .

  5. 另外的一家叫做NKNews的媒体机构已经受到了密切关注,因为该机构常常能得到独家新闻,包括最近的一系列独家报道。

    Another , NK News , has become a closely watched outlet for hard-to-get news about the country with a string of recent exclusives .

  6. 今天要关注的是一条独家新闻:CalPERS正在与黑石集团(TheBlackstoneGroup)就一个大型的定制托管账户进行谈判,目前谈判已经到了收关阶段。

    For today , some related scoop : CalPERS is in the final stages of negotiating a large , custom-managed account with the Blackstone Group ( BX ) .

  7. 你喜欢接收到仅有会员才能知道的独家新闻和赠品及音乐吗?

    Do you like the sound of receiving member-exclusive news and giveaways ?

  8. 单凭这一条就可以构成使很多人大为惊诧的独家新闻。

    That alone was a news scoop which would raise many eyebrows .

  9. 那家小报声称有那件飞机爆炸的独家新闻。

    That tabloid claims it has the scoop on that Airplane explosion .

  10. 有的记者愿意不惜一切地获取独家新闻。

    Some journalists are willing to get the exclusive at any cost .

  11. 独家新闻报道及其主体表现特征

    On Exclusive News Report and Characteristics of Its Subjective Representation

  12. 他为本报弄到所有的头号独家新闻。

    He got all the big scoops for the paper .

  13. 从此,独家新闻竞争拉开了帷幕。

    From then on , exclusive competition kicked off .

  14. 这家报纸刊登了有关逃跑的独家新闻。

    The newspaper published an exclusive about the escape .

  15. 虽然她的报道密集,但她却没有众多不朽的独家新闻。

    Though she reported intensely , she did not land many enduring scoops .

  16. 想获取婚礼的独家新闻吗

    Trying to get some scoop on the wedding ?

  17. 我有独家新闻可写了!事件发生时我正在那儿。

    I got a great scoop ! I was right there when it happened .

  18. 《健康时报》为这一项目的独家新闻支持单位。

    " Healthy Times " for the exclusive news of this project support units .

  19. 皮诺切特的报道确实是独家新闻。

    The Pinochet story was a real scoop .

  20. 给他们提供独家新闻或内容。

    Offer them exclusive news or content .

  21. 德克兰向梅森·特德韦尔爆了条独家新闻

    Declan gave Mason Treadwell an exclusive ,

  22. 电视安全报道伦敦星期泰晤士报的独家新闻。

    The associated press security exclusive right to the video from the London Sunday Times .

  23. 记者需要培养报道独家新闻的能力,以在竞争中占据优势。

    Reporters are trained to get the scoop on news items ahead of the competition .

  24. 该独家新闻由英国颇受欢迎的小报《太阳报》独家提供。

    The scoop came courtesy of The Sun , a popular tabloid paper in Britain .

  25. 如果您正在考虑迁移到基拉戈,这里是它的独家新闻。

    If you are considering relocating to Key Largo , here is the scoop on it .

  26. 本杂志的独家新闻报导

    A story exclusive to this magazine

  27. 从此他们可以自由地将自己的独家新闻告知各种新闻机构,而不会遭到惩罚。

    They would be free to shop their exclusives to a variety of outlets without retribution .

  28. 不是挖掘独家新闻,而是给人们说话的权利,

    It 's not about the big scoop , it 's about giving people a voice ,

  29. 这个独家新闻确实很绝妙:1953年6月2日是伊丽莎白女王的加冕礼的日子。

    Its scoop was indeed a coup : june2nd was the day of Queen elizabeth 's coronation .

  30. 他同时也说,在2004年,这几乎是一个记者唯一能获得独家新闻的方式了。

    At one point in2004 it seemed like it was the only way people were getting scoops .