
  • 网络amperage;current capability;Quiescent Current
  1. 闪电有很高的电压和高的电流量,能引起严重的损害或损伤。

    Lightning has very high voltage and high amperage and can cause severe damage or injury .

  2. 利用t统计检验方法对电流量显著性变化进行判别,提出了一种新的保护区域界定方法。

    A new method on the demarcation is proposed , which can distinguish the significant change of amperage by means of t statistic test method .

  3. 这些数字码经过DAC后转换成模拟电流量,对可变增益放大器的增益进行控制。

    These digital bits are changed into analog current by DAC , and the analog current determines the gain of VGA .

  4. OLEDIV测试系统,是一套设计用以深入测试OLED和有机太阳能电池功能性的设备,它拥有大驱动电压范围,以及高准确度的电流量测。

    IV Test System is designed for in-depth functionality testing of OLEDs and organic photovoltaics ( OPVs ) . Broad voltage range and high current measurement accuracy .

  5. 提出了基于PMU母线电压量测和支路电流量测的三相状态估计模型,在谐波测量中采用高精度FFT算法,有效地提高了测量精度。

    Three-phase state estimation modeling for bus voltage phasor and branch current phasor with PMU is proposed here , further it points out that measuring precision is effectively enhanced by the application of highly precise FFT calculation method to harmonic measuring .

  6. 提出一种将同步相量测量单元(PMU)的直接电压相量量测变换为间接支路电流量测,并与监控与数据采集(SCADA)量测量一起进行混合迭代的非线性状态估计方法。

    A new method for hybrid non-linear state estimation with phasor measurement unit ( PMU ) is proposed , in which the direct voltage phasor measurement is transformed into indirect equivalent branch current measurement to conduct the hybrid iteration with SCADA measurement .

  7. 首先把PMU的电流量测转换成功率量测,然后在初始计算时刻与SCADA量测一起进行非线性运算,得到状态估计值和功率量测量之间的灵敏度矩阵。

    First the PMU current measurements is transformed into power measurements , then mixed with the SCADA measurements and carry out non-linear calculation at the beginning time , thus the sensitivity matrix of the estimated state vector to the power measurements can be obtained .

  8. 本文在等效电流量测变换状态估计算法的基础上,引入PMU测量信息先进行一次状态估计,用估计的结果和PMU测量值一起作线性估计。

    In this paper make a state estimation that introduced the information measured by PMU on the basis of the algorithm of measurement transformation of the equivalent current . Then make a linear estimation using the result getting in the last step and the information measured by PMU .

  9. 地磁电流量计地磁海流计电地磁流量计四电极电磁流量计磁场分布特性数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Field Distribution Characteristics of the Four-electrode Electromagnetic Flowmeter

  10. 基于等效电流量测变换的电力系统状态估计算法研究

    Power System State Estimation Algorithm Based on Measurement Transformation of Equivalent Current

  11. 极坐标系下的快速等效电流量测变换状态估计方法

    Fast State Estimation Method in Polar Coordinates Based on Equivalent Current Measurement Transformation

  12. 对电流量热器法测定液体比热容实验的改进

    Improvement on measuring specific heat capacity of liquid by electric current calorimeter method

  13. 但它占用内存多,计算量大,特别是存在支路电流量测时,计算处理复杂,计算时间长。

    However , its computing quantity is very large and computing time is long .

  14. 对等电流量测变换法的改进

    The improvement of equivalent current measurement varying algorithm

  15. 实时网络分析中对电流量测的改进

    Improvement of current measurement for real-time network analysis

  16. 分析了综合利用电压和电流量的励磁涌流识别判据的优缺点。

    The merits and demerits of the distinguishing inrush using voltage and current are researched .

  17. 计及等效电流量测变换及坏数据辨识的状态估计方法测量电荷量的电流计

    State Estimation Method Based on Equivalent Current Measurement Transformation and Bad Data Identification quantity galvanometer

  18. 基于相量测量的等效电流量测变换状态估计的研究

    Research on the Estimation of Conversion State of Equivalent Current Test based on Phasor Measurement

  19. 他说:我们用的电流量非常小,而且完全不疼。

    He said : The amount of electricity we are applying is very small and totally painless .

  20. 通过利用光纤光栅作为敏感元件,解决了传统电流量计的本征安全问题。

    By adopting FBG as sensing head , it solves the intrinsical unsafe problem of traditional electrical flowmeter .

  21. 相量测量单元测量值对状态估计中等效电流量测变换算法的影响

    Influences of measured values from phasor measurement units on equivalent current based measurement transform algorithm in state estimation

  22. 几分钟之内,它们就达到比皮肤内部的电流量大数千倍的直流电集中程度。

    Within minutes , they 've reached a concentration of DCs thousands of times greater than in the skin .

  23. 除了电流量的变化外,故障后故障点两侧的相电压与零序电压值的变化情况也各不相同,本文对此进行了详细分析。

    The phase voltage changes on the both sides of fault location are different , so the zero-sequence voltages are .

  24. 因此,本文对基于等效电流量测变换的电力系统状态估计算法进行了研究分析。

    Therefore , state estimation algorithm based on the measurement transformation of the equivalent current is studied in this paper .

  25. 电力有源滤波器进行谐波补偿的实践工作中,常会遇到欲补偿的电压量(或电流量)超过了补偿装置的输出范围。

    The wanted output of the Active Power Filter always exceeds its output range in the course of harmonic compensation .

  26. 数据通讯模块接收变压器信号监测装置发送到计算机上的电压、电流量。

    Data communication module receives the magnitude of voltage and current which are sent to computer by the device of signal collection .

  27. 该算法将配电网中的功率量测变换为电流量测,实现了雅可比矩阵常数化,负荷电流实虚部解耦求解。

    Power measurements are all transformed to equivalent current measurement that makes the Jacobian matrix constant and calculates current real and imaginary part dividually .

  28. 提出了一种基于同杆双回线单端电流量的故障测距方法。

    The method for fault location of the parallel transmission lines on the same tower based on single-terminal current is proposed in this paper .

  29. 目的探讨Nucleus24Contour在极重度聋患者中的手术置入方法及其术后产生电听觉所需的电流量。

    Objective : To report the surgery and the postoperative outcomes with Nucleus 24 Contour electrode array in patients suffered from profound sensorineural hearing loss .

  30. 控制系统可以单独控制电机的转速和无功功率,使其工作在超同步、亚同步、转子电流量最小和全补偿工作方式下。

    The machine can be operated in sub-synchronous , super-synchronous speeds , minimum rotor current and full compensation when adjusting the speed and reactive power independently .