
  1. 电子对抗部队体能状况调查与分析

    Study and Analysis of Physical Fitness of the Electronic Warfare Camp

  2. 引信干扰机训练模拟器是为电子对抗部队进行引信干扰机训练而研制的。

    The training simulator of a fuze jammer is designed to train the operators of the fuze jammer for electronic countermeasure troops .

  3. 电子对抗部队作为现代战争中新型的作战力量,要求官兵必须具备良好的心理素质特征,尤其要有良好的人际关系。

    The electronic countermeasure plays new operational strength in modern warfare , the officers and soldiers were requested to have the good mental quality characteristic , especially good interpersonal relationships .

  4. 本文在基于一种席位设置的基础之上,对电子对抗兵群指挥所各席位的信息需求、信息交互进行了分析,为电子对抗部队指挥所系统建设提供了一定依据。

    Based on the dividing functions of EW group command post , the information requirements of all kinds of seats in command post is analyzed elaborately , which provides basis for constructing EW group command post to some extent .