
diàn zǐ yīn yuè
  • electronic music
电子音乐 [diàn zǐ yīn yuè]
  • [electrophonic music;electronic music] 利用电子机件发声制作出来的音乐

  1. 他对电子音乐很内行。

    He 's well up on electronic music .

  2. 60年代末期,凯瑞与季诺维也夫和考克柔一起建立了EMS(电子音乐工作室)。

    By the end of the60s , Cary joined forces with Zinovieff and Cockerell to establish EMS ( Electronic Music Studios ) .

  3. 你还记得那时候大家都有些厌倦电子音乐的嘈杂声而拔掉电子乐器回归到原声状态吗?

    Do you remember when everyone got a bit tired of electronic clutter and went unplugged and acoustic ?

  4. 今晚的ElectricZoo电子音乐节因大暴雨来袭而被迫取消。

    The Electric Zoo musical festival in New York City has been shut down after severe thunderstorms roll through the area tonight .

  5. 合成电子音乐的YouTube视频

    A YouTube clip set to techno music

  6. 自从1997年发行第一张专辑《家庭作业》(Homework)以来,傻朋克一直走在电子音乐的前列,一首接一首地推出让同行抄袭、让听众或痛或喜的热门歌曲。

    Ever since their 1997 debut , Homework , Daft Punk 's been at the vanguard of electronic music , creating one sample-jacking , endorphin-morphing hit after another .

  7. 一个在DJ和俱乐部音乐迷当中享有盛誉的电子音乐下载网站。

    Beatport is the recognized leader in electronic dance music downloads for DJs and club music enthusiasts .

  8. D2计划将亚洲最有名的电子音乐连接到上海最好的本地人人才的舞坛上。

    D2 plans to bring Asia 's biggest names in the circuit electronic dance-scene coupled by some of Shanghai 's best local talent .

  9. 唱片商CapitolRecords去年以侵犯版权为名起诉了ReDigi公司,而ReDigi公司正是允许人们购买、出售二手电子音乐的。

    ReDigi , a firm that enables people to buy and sell second-hand electronic music files , was sued last year for copyright infringement by Capitol Records , a music label .

  10. 这家电子音乐服务商表示,CarlyRaeJepsen的《CallMeMaybe》和《WeAreYoung》排名第二和第三。

    The digital music service said that Carly Rae Jepsen 's " Call Me Maybe " and " We Are Young " by fun are second and third .

  11. 这些成功不仅让他在美国拉斯维加斯大型电子音乐节ElectricDaisyCarnival上独占鳌头,同时在全球音乐盛会Coachella音乐节上也独挑大梁。

    That kind of popularity has him playing headline gigs not only at EDM-focused events like the Electric Daisy Carnival , but also at festivals like Coachella .

  12. 法国作曲家、电子音乐领军人物让-米歇尔·雅尔与泄密者爱德华·斯诺登,携手打造了一支单曲《出口》。这首歌将被收录到雅尔即将发布的黑胶唱片《Electronica2:TheHeartofNoise》中。

    French composer Jean Michel Jarre and whistleblower Edward Snowden have collaborated on " Exit , " a track off the electronic music pioneer 's upcoming new LP Electronica 2 : The Heart of Noise .

  13. 在北京,100名DJ好手和眩目的大型迪斯科掌控着整个电子音乐界,本土制作人已越来越少,DEADJ无疑是其中最引人注目的一位。

    In a country where the electronic scene is dominated by top100 djs and bling bling mega discos , local producers are rare and Dead J is without a doubt one of the best amongst them .

  14. MIDI不同于WAV或者MP3之类数字音频,它是一组用于控制例如合成器这样的电子音乐设备命令。

    Unlike digital audio , such as WAV or MP3 , MIDI is a set of commands that are used to control electronic music instruments such as synthesizers .

  15. 他年轻时有过很多位严师,其中一位便是埃德加·瓦雷兹(EdgardVarèse),这位喜怒无常的法国现代主义作曲家和电子音乐教父发火时曾把周的乐谱扔在地上,让他自己往上面小便。

    One was Edgard Var è se , the temperamental French-born Modernist and godfather of electronic music , who once showed his displeasure by throwing a score of Mr. Chou 's on the floor and ordering him to urinate on it .

  16. 而与其他平台一样,Lisa自身也有其不容易做到的方面,所以在运用Lisa进行电子音乐创作过程中,应避重就轻,发挥其长处。

    But as with other platforms , Lisa itself also has its not easy to do , so in the use of electronic music Lisa authoring , should take steps to avoid this , exert their strengths .

  17. Fame餐厅位于一间架空在施普雷河(Spree)之上,翻修自铁路仓库的建筑,是电子音乐俱乐部Bar25的经营团队最新开拓的又一项产业,目标瞄准了晚上8点以后的下班时间。

    Fame , a restaurant inside a repurposed railroad storage facility that juts over the Spree , is the newest venture from the collective behind the techno club Bar25 , which anchored the after-hours scene of the 2000s .

  18. sorma乐队自组建以来,就一直致力于新型音乐的创作,试图将亚洲的民间音乐与现代电子音乐相结合。

    Sorma , since its formation , has gone for creation of new music that blends together the folk music of Asian and electronic sounds .

  19. 这位曾演唱过《Royals》(《皇室贵族》)的少年天才在20岁的时候就在联合制作人杰克·安东诺夫的帮助下更上一层楼,把对电子音乐的无限展望与人类的尺度结合在一起,亲手打造了自己的第二张专辑。

    At age 20 , the teen prodigy of " Royals " raised the bar , marrying the massive vistas of electronic music alongside the human-scaled and handmade on her second LP , with help from co-producer Jack Antonoff .

  20. 他们在喇叭里演奏一些很糟糕的电子音乐。

    They were piping some awful electronic music over the loudspeakers .

  21. 电子音乐制作赛最终解释权归全国组委会所有。

    E-Music Creation Contest shall be explained by Nationwide Organizing Committee .

  22. 民族乐器与电子音乐相结合;

    The com-bination of traditional Chinese musical instruments with electronic music ;

  23. 电子音乐在新媒体艺术中的表现特点与发展

    Electronic Music in the New Media Art Performance Features and the Development

  24. 今天是连续三天的电子音乐节的最后一天,但是演出却不得不取消。

    The cancellation came on the three-day electronic musical fest final day .

  25. 范吉利斯电子音乐作品的织体与音色研究(上)

    The Texture of Vangelis Electronic Music with Timbre Research ;

  26. 计算机的出现推动了现代电子音乐技术的发展。

    Computers promote the development of modern electronic music technology .

  27. 电子音乐在上个世纪中期产生。

    The electro-acoustic music emerged from the medium-term of the last century .

  28. 1966年,创建了第一间电子音乐工作室。

    He established the first electronic music studio in1966 .

  29. 电子音乐是二十世纪的产物。

    Electronic music is a child of the20th century .

  30. 电子音乐的发展及分类

    The Development and the Classification of the Electroacoustic Music