- rock band

She sings with a rock band , but she 's also a jazz musician in her own right .
Kurt had started out playing bass in a rock band .
This was the fourth album by the top rock outfit .
She sings in a rock group .
' The Commitments ' is the gutsy story of a Dublin rock band .
He 's a great fan of the beatles-and , guess what , he 's called his boys john , paul , george , and ringo !
Many rock bands were able to follow in the footsteps of the Beatles .
The blaze was caused by pyrotechnics that ignited flammable phone during the show featuring the 80s hard rock band , Great White .
So a word that means stone also means concerts featuring rock ' n ' roll bands like The Rolling Stones .
Oh yeah , Irish rock band U2 has agreed to a twelve-year contract with concert promoter Live Nation .
Ever wondered why old rock bands still have compilations of their greatest works and their CDs on your local music stand ?
In the song " Tell Me Lies , " by the rock group Fleetwood Mac , a woman is asking for lies -- sweet little lies .
Emily : I am a singer in an all-girl rock and roll band .
As in Guitar Hero or Rock Band , notes stream down the screen and you have to hit them on the beat .
Penny : Oh , man , did the Kiss Army repeal don 't ask , don 't tell ?
The drummer for the world-famous rock group The Grateful Dead is trying to navigate through a computer game using a set of electronic drums .
If an Olympic-themed song is supposed to inspire competitors to new athletic heights , Survival , the official Olympics song from British rock band Muse , is hardly a good example .
It has been promoting its new game ," Rock Band ", using its MTV music channel .
The trailer is set to a very modern song Wolfs Law by Welsh alternative rock band The Joy Formidable , released earlier this year .
His guests for the opening night were Will Smith and rock group U2 .
In an age where the only other entertainment option was picking lice off a mule , listening to speeches was the equivalent of going to an Arcade Fire concert .
The unusual name references a song by the popular Swedish rock band Kent , whose melancholy melodies fill the casual space .
So , there came a burst of " teen " car songs from the likes of rock bands " Jan and Dean " and " the Beach Boys " .
Mikey Welsh , the bassist for Weezer , received a lot of media attention in 2011 after he supposedly predicted his death on Twitter based on a dream he had .
Organisers have released a video clip giving a sneak preview of Oscar winner Danny Boyle 's opening ceremony , featuring groups in colourful stage outfits dancing to Tiger Feet by 1970s rock group Mud and cyclists with wings pedalling along to Come Together by the Beatles .
Six rock bands made up of advertising executives will still battle it out on Wednesday , but the usual festive mood of the annual advertising week gathering in New York has been overshadowed by the financial crisis rocking Wall Street and Washington .
By 1983 he was expecting to hit the big time with his fourth book , Armageddon Rag , about a rock band .
And then you just dial a specific frequency of Nickelback and ...
I think the number one rock band in America now is Linkin Park .
The18 year old took an extended hiatus from the hit TV series last year to tour with her rock band The Pretty Reckless , but she was expected to return as a guest star on future episodes .