
  • 网络E-book format;PDF;TXT
  1. 让那些没有时间去探索你的网站下载你网站电子书格式。

    Allow people who do not have time to explore your site to download your web site in e-book format .

  2. 电子书的格式、设备和许可证之间有极大不同,并常常不能互相兼容。

    There are lots of different and often incompatible e-book formats , devices and licences .

  3. 一个电子书看起来就像微软的一个文档,但它是转变成一个电子书格式,如PDF在读者无法做任何变化到该文件。

    An ebook looks just like a Microsoft document but it is transformed into an ebook format such as PDF where the reader cannot make any changes to the document .