
  • 网络Cell;solar cell;contact plate
  1. 本文通过使用不同磷化物为配制N型掺杂银浆的添加剂,考察了N型掺杂银浆中的含磷浓度对所制电池片的转换效率和接触电阻的影响。

    Research on N Type Silver Paste Contented Phosphoric Agent The influence of phosphorated concentration of phosphorated silver paste on the inversion efficiency and contact resistance of solar cell were investigated .

  2. 高分散和高振实密度银粉能显著提高电池片的光电转换效率。

    High dispersion and tap density of silver can significantly improve the photoelectric conversion efficiency of solar cell .

  3. RICHSOLAR主要产品为单晶、多晶硅太阳能电池片、组件。

    The main products from RICH SOLAR are mono-crystalline and polycrystalline solar cells and solar modules .

  4. 结果表明:由含磷试剂所配制的N型掺杂银浆所制的电池片的转换效率可达14.5%,接触电阻约为0.002Ω。

    The results show that the inversion efficiency of the solar cell gets to 14.5 % and the contact resistance is only about 0.002 Ω by means of phosphoric agent .

  5. 在生产中得到成功应用,拉制的P型单晶硅电阻率控制在0.5~3.0(ohm.cm),制做的太阳电池片光电转换效率平均达到13.18%。

    Apply in production successful , created P type single crystalline silicon , it 's resistively is controlled in 0.5 ~ 3.0 ( ohm . cm ), these material used for solar cell fabricate , photoelectric efficiency of average 13.18 % is obtained .

  6. 半电池片上生长YSZ薄膜,孔隙率大,可用作固体氧化物燃料电池的阴极功能层,浸渍入高电导率材料后有望提高其电学性能。

    YSZ films grown on half cell have a high porosity . It can be used as SOFC cathode function layer after infiltration of Ni .

  7. 因此,对太阳能电池片的检测是非常重要的一个环节。

    Therefore , detection is a very important aspect of the solar cell sheet .

  8. 目前,空间太阳电池片的封装还主要采用手工方式。

    At present , the bonding method of the space solar cell bonding is mainly operated by handwork .

  9. 检测叠层后的电池片有无杂质及破损现象。

    Examination 's folding a battery slice in layer has already had no miscellaneous quality and damaged phenomenon ;

  10. 在2013年,配备着17000块以上的太阳能电池片,太阳能脉冲2号从阿布扎比起飞。

    Again in 2013 , equipped with more than 17000 solar cells , Solar Impulse 2 took off from Abu Dhabi .

  11. 通过对不同电池片进行遮挡实验,分析得出逆电流大的电池更易产生热斑。

    Through the experiment of shaded different PV cells , we have concluded that the higher reverse current is , the easier hot-spot happens .

  12. 通过模拟太阳光谱光源,对电池片的相关电参数进行测量,根据测量结果将电池片进行分类。

    Through stimulates the solar spectrum lamp-house , carries on the testing and surveys to the cell module related electrical parameter , according to the measurement result classifies the cell piece .

  13. 公司专注于太阳能电池片的生产、研发,积极与国际最优秀太阳能电池技术、设备及关联机构合作。

    Specializing in production and research of solar cell , our company is dedicated to cooperate with the most excellent technology and equipment supplier and all associated institutions in the world .

  14. 日本电池片生产商同样对欧洲客户投入了更大的热情,即使是在欧洲市场上大型工业级电站受金融危机处于淡季的情况下。

    Japanese solar cell producers also are turning more attention to the European consumer market , given the slack in large-scale industrial projects due to the financial turmoil , the Nikkei notes .

  15. 带镜面反射,能方便而快捷的检测出不符合要求的电池片,保证了产品质量。

    It takes a mirror noodles glint , and it has the ability of convenient and fast examination to check the battery slice of matching the request , so it promised product quality .

  16. 本文深入理解磷扩散的基本原理,对扩散的现状进行分析,根据扩散原理,设计实验,得到高方阻电池片,从而改善电池转换效率。

    We deeply understand the basic principle of Phosphorus diffusion . We analyze the current situation of the diffusion process , and design experiments to obtain high square resistance . Finally we improve the conversation efficiency .

  17. 多晶硅太阳能电池片由于内部存在晶界等缺陷使得转换效率只比单晶硅太阳能电池片略低,而由于光照受地区、天气的影响,实际使用差距不大。

    The conversion efficiency of multi-crystalline silicon solar cells are only slightly lower than the monocrystalline silicon solar cells . However , the sun light under the influence of position and weather , they are almost the same .

  18. 最终的检测结果显示,绝大多数电池片的效率都超过了17.5%,表明按照本文中的工艺参数,能得到性能良好的单晶硅太阳能电池片。

    The final test result shows that most of the cells ' efficiency is over 17.5 % . It indicates that in the light of the technical parameters in this paper , we can obtain monocrystalline silicon solar cells with good performance .

  19. 现有晶硅太阳能电池片通常采用线锯切割以及后续多道制绒工艺,成本高,损耗大,因此,迫切需要探索新的加工方法,以降低制造成本和提高光电转换效率。

    Silicon solar cell wafers generally formed by wire saw and several making fabric techniques , which have high cost and big loss . So it is urgent to explore new machining methods to reduce manufacturing cost and elevate electro-optic conversion efficiency .

  20. 提出了控制电池片胶层厚度的连续滴胶方法与机构,以及一种能实现薄形抗辐照玻璃盖片和空间太阳电池的自动封装方法与机构。

    A method which can control the thickness of adhesive layer on the solar cell was put forward and the mechanism was designed . Another method which can achieve the auto-bonding between thin cover-glass and the space solar cell was studied and realized .

  21. 主要工作和结论如下:1、针对生产太阳电池片三道工序(铸锭、切片和烧结),开展太阳电池片制造过程的残余应力研究。

    The main works and conclusions are summary as follow : 1 . The residual stress produced in the manufacturing process of solar cell module was investigated aimed at the three processes ( ingot casting , slicing and sintering ) for solar cell production .

  22. 因此本系统不仅自动化程度高,而且具有很高的精确度和可靠性,不仅能够用于实验室教学,还能够用于工厂对所生产的太阳能电池片性能的检测。

    This system not only has a high degree of automation , but also a high degree of accuracy and reliability . And it not only can be used in laboratory teaching , also can be used in the factory for solar cell products performance testing .

  23. AA型充电电池基片与极耳的凸焊

    Projection welding between base sheet and electrode conductor of AA type charging battery

  24. 提高辊道用变频调速三相异步电动机防水性能方法的研究台达BW系列变频器在电池极片轧辊机收放卷上的应用

    Research on Improvement of the Water-Proof Performance of Variable-Frequency Adjustable-Speed Three-Phase Roller Induction Motor Application of Delta BW Series Inverters in Battery Pole Piece Roll Machine Rollout

  25. 扣式锂锰电池正极片自动成型机的设计

    Design of Cathode Automatic Forming Machine for Lithium Dioxide Manganese Button Cells

  26. 锌镍电池极片制作技术和设备研究

    Researches on technological process and equipment for positive electrode of Ni-Zn battery

  27. 电池极片焊机的智能控制

    Intellect control for the battery electrode flake welding machine

  28. 本实用新型提供一种电池端子片和具有该端子片的电池组。

    The utility model provides a battery terminal sheet and a battery pack having same .

  29. 宽带极电渣堆焊的磁场控制电池极片焊机的智能控制

    Magnetic control of welder strip electro-slag surfacing Intellect control for the battery electrode flake welding machine

  30. 特别是成功地将中国的电池极片出口至德国装配为高品质的航空电池等。

    Especially , the Chinese electrodes have successfully been exported to Germany to be assembly into high-graded aircraft battery etc.