
  • 网络telecommunication network;PSTN
  1. 电信网的整体架构从为话音业务而优化的体系转向为数据业务尤其是以IP而优化的体系演进。

    The whole framework of telecommunication network is evolving from serving for voice communication to serving for data communication particularly IP business .

  2. 基于Web的电信网管子系统互联关键技术

    Interconnection Techniques of Telecommunication Network Management Subsystem Based on Web

  3. BP算法在电信网可靠性综合评价中的应用

    The Application of BP in Comprehensive Evaluating Method on Telecommunication Network

  4. 关于下一代IP电信网开放用户接口的研究

    Architecture and Functionality of Open User-network Interface in IP-based Next Generation Telecom Networks

  5. IP化是下一代电信网的最明显特征。

    All-IP is the most significant character for the next generation telecom network .

  6. 万兆IP电信网之建设目标和理念

    Constructive Objective and Concept of 10G IP Telecom Network

  7. 对于基于IP电信网开展电信业务的运营模式本文也给出了一些建议。

    Some suggestion is also provided to help build new carrying model for carriers .

  8. IP电信网的业务模型

    Service Model of IP Telecom Networks

  9. IP电信网的关键问题,不是不可逾越的,有相当部分技术业已存在,IP电信网是可以在近期实现的。

    The technical problem of IP telecommunication network can be solved and it will be realized soon .

  10. IP电信网的QoS技术

    QoS Technology of IP Telecom Networks

  11. M旧C中的网络管理模块可与现在电信网采用CORBA实施的管理集成在一起,扩展彼此的功能,能应用在电信等其他领域。

    This module can integrate with telecommunication network management , which uses CORBA as its management architecture .

  12. 基于传统电信网的成本模型已不适用于基于分组交换技术的IP网络。

    The cost model for traditional telecommunication network can not be adapted to IP network which is using packet switching technologies .

  13. 当前电信网网管技术发展迅速,而可扩展标记语言(XML)作为新的网管接口技术正引起人们的重视。

    The technologies of telecommunication network management are developing rapidly , and XML as a new interface technology begins to gain more attention .

  14. Internet分布广泛、开放性等特点使它能够提供比传统电信网更丰富的业务特征,特征交互问题也随之显现出来。

    Internet is widely distributed and open , which makes it can provide more and better services than the traditional telecommunication network , and feature interaction issues appear .

  15. 但是,现有的风险数据采集技术尚不能满足下一代电信网安全态势评估的要求,而且这些技术主要是针对Internet网络应用而开发的。

    However , current risk data collection technologies cannot fulfill the needs of the NGN security situation assessment , and those technologies are mostly based on the Internet .

  16. 电信网、数据网和电视网正逐步走向融合,IP技术是其中的关键技术。

    Telecom network , data network and cable TV network are going to work on one network , and the IP is the key technology .

  17. 在有线电视网络中传输ATM业务是促进电信网和电视网融合的重要手段,本文对此做出新的尝试。

    This paper is about an experiment of Sending ATM over CATV-an important means of convergence of TN & CATV .

  18. IPTV在电信网中的应用

    Application of IPTV in the telecom network

  19. 描述了IP网络体系的一般框架、基本参考模型及IP网与电信网互通的考虑。

    The general framework and basic refer-ence models of the IP based net-work , and interworking of the IP based network with the telecom-munication network are described .

  20. IP多媒体子系统(IMS)是建立在全IP基础上的多业务融合网络,旨在促进电信网和互联网的融合。

    IP Multimedia Subsystem ( IMS ) is an all-IP based multi-service converged networks . It aims to converge telecommunications networks and the Internet .

  21. 网络融合是大趋势,积极的网络转型和演进不可逆转,传统语音电信网和IP网应该是互为补充,协调发展的关系。

    Network merging is the great tread , positive network model changing and revolution is un-reversed , traditional voice telecom network and IP network is the relationship of complementary and co-development .

  22. 未来的电信网将趋向于只建设一个核心网&下一代网络(NGN)。

    The future telecom network would tend to be only one kernel network & next generation network ( NGN ) .

  23. 随着信息通信技术(InformationandCommunicationTechnology,简称ICT)的快速发展,电信网、计算机网和有线电视网不断相互渗透,融合步伐日益加快。

    With the rapid development of ICT ( Information and Communication Technology , referred to as ICT ), telecommunications networks , computer networks and cable networks continue to penetrate each other , accelerating the pace of integration .

  24. 在电信网IP化的趋势下,越来越多的IP网络设备在电信网中得到应用,现代电信网络正朝着IP化的方向演进。

    With the IP revolution in communication networks , more and more IP networking equipment are applied in telecommunication networks , and modern telecommunication networks is increasingly going toward the IP revolution .

  25. 随着电信网,尤其是因特网的迅速发展给IP网络的发展带来了勃勃生机。网上数据流量的急剧增长迫使传输平台向更高的通信带宽发展。

    With the rapid development of telecom network , especially Internet , the development of IP network grows in a fast speed . The leap of data stream need more and more bandwidth .

  26. 人们对高速数据业务和视频业务的迫切需求正在不断增加,宽带化和IP化成为新一代电信网的基本特征,三网合一成为未来网络发展的趋势。

    People 's demands for high-speed data services and video services have been increasing continuously . Broad bandwidth and advanced IP technology has been the fundamental character of the new generation telecommunication networks .

  27. 用CORBA技术构建TMN中的被管对象的接口,可以加快实现异构环境下电信网的分布式管理。

    It can accelerate developing distributed management systems in isomerous networks to build the interfaces of TMN managed objects with CORBA technology .

  28. 下一代电信网是基于IP的网络,SS7及呼叫控制原理是软交换控制系统的重要组成部分。

    The next generation telecommunication networks will be based on IP.SS7 and the fundamental of call control are main components of softswitch control system .

  29. 生存性是设计和规划新的电信网(如SDH网和ATM网)面临的一个根本的、亟待解决的问题。

    So survivability is an important problem demanding prompt solution in design and planning of new telecommunications networks ( e.g. , SDH networks and ATM networks ) .

  30. 下一代网络采用IP技术来承载语音、数据、多媒体等多种类的业务,以实现互联网、电信网、广播电视网三种网络的融合。

    Next-generation network using IP technology to carry voice , data , multimedia and so on multi-type service , realizes the Internet , Telecom Network , the broadcast television network three kind of network fusions .