
  • 网络INDUCTOR;Inductance;power inductor
  1. MEMS螺线管型电感器正负胶结合的加工工艺

    Process for MEMS Solenoid Type Inductor Using both Positive and Negative Photoresists

  2. MEMS螺线管型电感器由于具有很多优点,其用途或潜在用途相当广泛。

    MEMS solenoid type inductor has been or will be used in many fields because of its advantages .

  3. 在现代电力电子系统中,电感器广泛应用在含有滤波器的EMI电路中。

    In the modern power electronic system , the inductor is widely used in the EMI circuit .

  4. 公司经营的产品包括贴片二三极管、电容、电阻、钽电容、电感器、IC集成电路等系列。

    YINGXINYUAN devotes to the market development on electronic components such as diodes , triodes , capacitors , resistors , inductors and IC parts .

  5. LGA型固定电感器自谐频率的探讨

    A Discussion on Self-resonance Frequency of the Fixed Inductor LGA

  6. 基于ATP的仿真和Matlab的运算表明基于电容器电感器电压比的电抗器匝间短路保护,能够对匝间故障做出快速而正确的判断。

    ATP simulation and MATLAB calculation show that the voltage ratio protection against inter-turn fault of reactor can make correct judgement to this kind of fault quickly .

  7. 与通常的EE、EI型铁心电感器相比,它有效降低了线圈损耗。

    This scheme results in much less AC winding losses than those with usual EE or EI type cores .

  8. 实验证明,采用新型PWM控制的整流器功率因数近似为1,且可大大减小平波电抗器的电感器。

    The experiment shows power factor of the rectifier is approximate to 1 and the inductance of the DC filter is decreased greatly by applying the new PWM control method .

  9. TBC由一串被标定的二进制电容器和每相一个电感器构成。

    The TBC is based on a chain of binary-scaled capacitors and one inductor per phase .

  10. 铁基非晶材质主要用于PFC电感器,大功率滤波电感,光伏太阳能电抗器,储能电感等方面。

    Fe-based amorphous material is mainly used for PFC inductor , power filter inductance , photovoltaic solar reactors , energy storage inductors and so on .

  11. 该电路利用PDP的等效固有电容和外加电感器产生谐振,以防止突然的充放电。

    This driver utilizes inductors to resonate with the equivalent intrinsic capacitance of the PDP to avoid the abrupt charging / discharging operation .

  12. AVR通过晶闸管来控制每半个周波中流过电感器电流的持续时间来执行此功能。

    The AVR performs this function by controlling the duration of the current through the inductor on each half cycle via the thyristors .

  13. 详细分析与实验了从电网中220V交流电到储能电容电压的600V直流电过程,包括EMI滤波、整流滤波和高频开关BOOST变换器,设计了高频电感器。

    We detailed analysis and experiment charging system from the power grid 220V AC to 600V DC voltage process , including EMI filtering , high-frequency switch rectifier , filtering and BOOST converter .

  14. Trasfor是中低压应用领域干式变压器和电感器的领先制造商。

    Trasfor is a leading manufacturer of dry-type transformers and inductors for low-voltage and medium-voltage applications .

  15. 本文简述了脉冲磁压缩工作原理和设计要点,重点介绍了非晶态合金及超微晶合金铁芯的损耗只饱和磁感P,及剩磁Br对磁压缩电感器的体积、效率及压缩效果的影响。

    The principle of operation and the main points of design of magnetic pulse compression ( MPC ) are briefed , and the effect of Bs , Br and core loss of magnetic material on the volume , efficiency and compression ratio of the saturable reactor has been discussed .

  16. 多层片式电感器(MLCI)所用铁氧体材料,其粒度的均匀、正态分布水平,是影响元件成型过程中分散性的关键因素。

    Particle uniformity and normal distribution of ferrite powder used in multilayer chip inductor are the key factors affecting the electronic component shaping .

  17. 应用磁镜像法和快速傅立叶变换(FFT)法对单片微波集成电路(MMIC)的薄膜平面射频集成电感器进行了电磁学模拟,并把模拟结果和有限元法(FEM)模拟的结果[1]进行了比较。

    The magnetic field of thin film spiral radio frequency integrated inductors of Monolithic Microwave Integrated Chips ( MMIC ) was simulated using fast fourier transform ( FFT ) method and Magnetic Mirror Image method . And the fabrication process of thin film spiral radio frequency integrated inductors was introduced .

  18. 非线性电感器的测量及其数学模型

    Measurement of Non - Linear Inductor and It 's Mathematical Model

  19. 用改进型电流传输器实现的新型理想浮地电感器

    The Novel Ideal Floating Inductor Realized by Using Modified Current Conveyors

  20. 开关功率变换器中高频电感器的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design for High Frequency Inductor of Switched Mode Converter

  21. 超微晶电感器的应用及展望

    Prospect for Application of Nanocrystalline Alloy in Some Kinds of Inductors

  22. 平面圆形螺旋电感器和变压器的计算机辅助设计

    Computer Aided Design of Planar Circular Spiral Inductors and Transformers

  23. 电感器工型磁芯成型模具的结构与设计

    The Structure and Design of Forming Mold for I-Type Core of Inductors

  24. 如上所述,电感器和电容器接在一起就会形成谐振电路。

    As mentioned above , inductors and capacitor together form tuned circuits .

  25. GB/T9632-1988通信用电感器和变压器磁芯测量方法

    Measuring methods of cores for inductors and transformers for telecommunications

  26. 用单个电感器实现升压和降压的DC/DC转换器

    The DC / Dccenverter accomplishing Voltage-up and Voltage-down with a Single Inductor

  27. 电视机的谐波电流抑制技术&谐波抑制电感器

    Harmonic Current Suppression Techniques of Television & Harmonic Suppression Choke

  28. 无芯印制板变压器与印制电感器的分析和计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Coreless Transformer and Inductor in Printed Circuit Board

  29. 高频电感器线圈损耗分析与交错气隙布置

    Winding Loss Analysis and Staggered Air-Gap Arrangement for High-Frequency Inductors

  30. 片式电感器制造工艺发展评述

    Comments on the Development of Technological Process of Chip Inductors