
duǎn bō tōnɡ xìn
  • short-wave (high frequency) communication
  1. 基于CPCI的多通道短波通信控制平台开发

    Development of Multi-channel Short-wave Communication Control Platform Based on CPCI

  2. 阐述了驻波功率表在短波通信中的应用。

    The SWR wattmeter application in short-wave communication system is considered .

  3. GPS短波通信在石油测井应急情况中的应用

    Application of GPS Shortwave Communication in Petroleum Logging Emergency

  4. 为了提高短波通信系统接入Internet的数据传输率,提出一种设计方案。

    In order to improve data-transfer rates of HF access to Internet , a design scheme was put forward .

  5. 一种基于OFDM差分调制的短波通信系统

    A Differential Modulated OFDM System for HF Communications

  6. OFDM技术及其在短波通信中的应用

    OFDM Technologies and Applications in Shortwave Communication

  7. 短波通信中Turbo均衡技术的研究

    Research on Turbo Equalization of Short - wave Communication

  8. 短波通信中的Turbo均衡技术及应用

    Turbo Equalization Technique and Application for Shortwave Communication

  9. 应用Hopfield神经网络抑制高频地波雷达中短波通信干扰

    Applying Hopfield neural network to suppress shortwave communication interferences in high frequency surface wave radar

  10. 对采用TDMA接入方式的无线短波通信网络进行了仿真。

    The wireless shortwave communication network of TDMA is simulated .

  11. 短波通信网TDMA性能的仿真

    Simulation of TDMA performance in short wave communication network

  12. 在短波通信中,运用直扩技术和自适应RAKE技术不仅能够降低系统的误码率,而且能够提高信息传输速率。

    The combination of DS-spreading spectrum technology with adaptive RAKE tech-nology can reduce BER of data transimission and raise the transmitted speed .

  13. 短波通信接收机大动态范围前端高频通道的研究&Volterra泛函级数法和CAA

    Study of High Dynamic Range Front-End HF Channel in SW Communication Receiver & Volterra Functional Series and CAA

  14. 本文应用Volterra泛函级数理论,研究扩大短波通信接收机前端高频通道的动态范围。

    Improving the dynamic range of front-end HF channel in SW communi-cation receiver is studied in this paper with aid of Volterra functional series .

  15. 差分跳频(DFH,DifferentialFrequencyHopping)技术将调制,编码和跳频技术有机结合,能极大的提高短波通信设备的数据传输能力、抗干扰和抗衰落能力。

    The Differential Frequency Hopping ( DFH ) technology which combines modulation encoding and frequency hopping technology can highly improve the data transmission rate , anti-interference characteristic and anti-fading ability of the system .

  16. 自动链路建立(ALE)技术是第三代短波通信(3G)中的一项关键技术,握手过程是自动链路建立技术的一项重要内容。

    Automatic link establishment ( ALE ) is one of the most important technologies in the third generation ( 3G ) high frequency communications , with the handshake scheme being the key part .

  17. 因此改善短波通信性能,提高其抗干扰能力,就成了短波无线电通信技术不断创新和发展的重要课题,跳频(FH)通信技术也随之应运而生。

    For HF communications , improving its performance and enhancing its anti-interference capabilities have become an important topic of innovation and development , and frequency-hopping ( FH ) communications technology will be timely .

  18. OFDM由于性能优越和频谱利用率高,在宽带短波通信中的应用受到各国学者的关注,并成为宽带短波通信技术的主要调制方式。

    Because of the excellence performance and high spectral efficiency , the usage of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ( OFDM ) in wideband HF communication have received extensive attention from worldwide scholars , and hence become the main modulation schemes .

  19. 文中分析了地-空短波通信的多普勒频移、基于Goertzel算法的DTMF信号解码基本原理和基本过程;

    This paper analyzes the Doppler shift of ground-air communication in HF , the principle and process of DTMF decoding based on Goertzel algorithm .

  20. 本文基于希尔伯特-黄变换对飞机短波通信信号分析,主要的研究内容如下:首先详细地阐述了经验模态分解方法和以此为基础的Hilbert-Huang变换的基本原理和算法。

    This paper aims at short-wave aviation communication based on Hilbert-Huang transform and assigns as follows : The principal of empirical mode decomposition method and Hilbert-Huang transform algorithm is elaborated in detail .

  21. 第二章研究软件无线电体制SSB短波通信电台抗干扰通信系统中的A/D技术,包括带通采样定理以及如何确定采样的位置、精度、速度。

    In chapter 2 we introduce the A / D method , include the band-pass sampling theory and the how to decide the sampling position , sampling accuracy and sampling rate .

  22. 结果表明,该系统对海上(300~400km范围内)短波通信装备的侦察、干扰是可行的。

    The result demonstrated that the system is feasible to perform reconnaissance and jamming of HF communication equipment .

  23. ALE系统军用标准包括一个高度稳健的信令系统、可扩展的协议系统、多种寻址方式、多种RTCE(Real-timeChannelEstimation)模式以及开放的结构,以支持高级的短波通信网络功能。

    ALE system military standards include a highly robust signaling system , a extendable protocol system , multiple address modes , multiple RTCE ( Real-time Channel Estimation ) modes and open system structure , in order to offer advanced HF communication network function .

  24. 传统电信网需要研究将包括短波通信系统在内的现有各种通信系统融合到统一的核心分组网中的方法,以实现向下一代网络(NGN)的演进。

    Traditional telecommunication network has to research techniques in order to implement the access of various communication systems , including HF radio system , to the unified package switch-based backbone , and thus realize the evolution into the NGN .

  25. 美国国防部军标MIL-STD-188-141B给出了短波通信网基于连接交换自适应路由的初步思想,但未给出具体算法。

    The USA military standard MIL-STD-188-141B presents a glancing idea of an adaptive routing protocol based on CONEX .

  26. 对物理层的仿真采用OPNET中对无线信道仿真的方法,对高频无线信道建模,从而实现整个基于第三代短波通信的交互式仿真系统。

    The simulation of physical layer adopts the simulation method of wireless channel in OPNET to model the HF wireless channel . All of these steps implement the whole interactive simulation system based on 3G HF .

  27. 基于美军标MIL-STD-188-141B协议,本文主要研究第三代短波通信系统物理层的关键技术,设计完成了突发波形BW2的发送和接收方案。

    Based on the U.S. superscript MIL-STD-188-141B agreement , this paper studies primarily on key technologies of 3G physical layer HF Communication .

  28. 短波通信(1.6MHz~30MHz)属于中远距离通信系统范畴,是重要的战略通信手段。

    Shortwave communication ( 1.6MHz ~ 30MHz ) belong to medium and long distance communication , and is important communication of tactics .

  29. 差分跳频(DFH)是一种新的高速短波通信体制,它利用相邻跳变频率的变化,而不是载频本身,来携带信息。

    The DFH ( Differential Frequency Hopping ) is a new kind of high-speed HF communication system , in which the change of two adjacent frequencies , instead of carrier frequency itself , bears the information of symbols .

  30. 本文对盲判决反馈均衡技术进行了研究,该技术在短波通信和信号分析中非常重要。特别是在短波8PSK信号接收和军事信号的侦察与截获中,盲判决反馈均衡是一项关键技术。

    This paper studies the blind decision feedback equalization which is a very important technique for shortwave communication and signal analysis , especially for 8 PSK signal receival and for military signal reconnaissance and interception .