
  • 网络growth potential;growth vigor;growth vigour
  1. 用福鼎大白茶等11个品种为材料,通过测定花粉生活力及作杂交亲本组合试验,观察其结实率、F1出苗率和茶苗生长势,对茶树的孕性进行了研究。

    The fertility of tea plant has been investigated on 11 tea varieties by determining the pollen viability , fertility rate , emergence rate and growth vigor of F_1 generation .

  2. 核桃IOD和POD酶活性与生长势的关系

    Studies on the Relationship between the POD and IOD Activity and the Growth Vigor of Walnut

  3. 其中处理M2和处理M3的黄瓜幼苗生长势、矿质元素吸收以及秧苗质量等均明显优于其它处理。

    The seedlings raised in M 2 and M 3 were the best in growth potential , mineral absorption and seedling quality .

  4. 在改良MS培养基中加入几种中草药剂处理,研究对葡萄茎尖组培苗生长势的影响。

    The extracts of several Chinese medicinal herbs were separately added into the improved MS culture medium to study the effects on the growth of grape stem - apex in vitro .

  5. 但控释肥提早施用处理(T3)则植株生长势及生理代谢活性增强,有利于产量的提高和品质的改善。

    The early-larger CRF treatment ( T3 ) enhanced plant growth and physiological activity , so increased yield and quality improvement .

  6. 结果表明,硬壳蛤上述组织的EST和MDH同工酶存在不同程度的组织特异性,而LDH没有组织特异性。马尾松生长势与同功酶表型的关系

    The results showed that there are obvious differences in the isozyme phenotypes among five tissues . CORRELATIONS BETWEEN THE GROWTH VIGOUR AND ISOZYME PHENOTYPES OF PINUS MASSONIANA LAMB

  7. 低浓度根系分泌物处理后植株生长势增强,叶片净光合速率和根系呼吸速率提高,叶片可溶性糖、淀粉及蛋白质含量增加,MDA含量降低,而高浓度处理下则表现相反的变化趋势。

    Root exudates of low concentration made the growth enhanced ; net photosynthetic rate and root respiration rate increased ; soluble sugar content , starch content and protein content increased ; MDA content decreased , while root exudates of high concentration showed opposite trend . 3 .

  8. 结果表明,0.5%~5%的PVA处理菜豆种子后,其萌发率、生长势、活力指数有不同程度提高,以2%浓度效果最好。

    The experimental results showed : treated with 0.5 % ~ 5 % PVA the sprouting rate , growing power and the activity indexes of the kidney bean seeds increased in various degrees , and 2 % was the best concentration of PVA .

  9. 用激素和稀土处理种子及幼苗后,牡丹幼苗生长势表现为用稀土和GA3最好,6-BA和α-NAA稍次。

    The old seeds and seedling were treated with phytochrome and rare earth element , those effects of rare earth elements and GA_ 3 showed the higher growth potential than those of 6-BA and α - NAA .

  10. 典型判别分析进一步证实不同生长势水平个体间Aap-1位点Aap-1d基因频率有极显著性差异,并基本上划分为二个类群。

    Through canonical discriminant analysis , all the sampled individual trees could be distinguished as two groups by frequency express of gene Aap-1d in Aap-1 loci , one group comprised the individuals with Aap-1d gene , the other with no Aap-1d .

  11. 因此,碳代谢异常也可能是造成矮生型低生长势的原因之一。(5)对叶片酶活性的研究发现,矮生型不同时期的POD酶和IOD酶活性均显著高于正常杉木。

    Consequently , the abnormality of carbon metabolism may contribute to the low growth potential of the dwarf . ( 5 ) On the study of enzyme activity , it is found that the POD 、 IOD activity of the dwarf are significantly higher than the control .

  12. 核桃幼树内源激素与生长势的关系

    Study on Relationship between Hormone and Growth Vigor of Young Juglans regia

  13. 超亲性状为花径、抗性、生长势;

    The flower diameter , resistance and growth potential were transgressive characters .

  14. 干旱对不同烤烟品种的生理及其烟株生长势的影响

    Effect of Drought on Physiology and Growth Vigor of Different Flue-cured Tobacco Cultivars

  15. 杉木起苗后不同处理方法对根生长势的影响

    Effects of Different Treatment on Root Growth Potential of Chinese fir Seedlings after Lifting

  16. 核桃叶片解剖结构与生长势的关系

    Study on the Relationship Between the Anatomical Structure of Leaves and the Growing of Walnut

  17. 十六世纪以前,还没开始利用已经知道生长势的知名砧木。

    Use of named rootstocks of known vigor did not begin until the sixteenth century .

  18. 1.1甜瓜穴盘苗生长势受根域体积影响的程度取决于苗龄的大小。

    1.1 Effects of root-zone volume on tray seedling of muskmelon were related to seedling age .

  19. 滴灌频率对温室小西瓜生长势、产量及品质的影响

    Effect of Irrigation Frequency on Plant Growth , Yield and Fruit Quality of Greenhouse Mini Watermelon

  20. 土壤阳离子交换量的变化与欧洲栎生长势的研究

    Study on the Response to Growing-power of the European Oak to the Change in Exchangeable Cation in Topsoil

  21. 从变异结果看,番茄植株生长势呈现增强的态势,并发生了可遗传的生长类型的改变。

    The results showed that , the growth energy of tomato was increased and some variations were heritable .

  22. 生产试验证明,组培苗比对照苗的生药产量高,且生长势较好。

    The field trial proved that the seedlings from tissue culture were superior to the ordinary seedlings by cutting .

  23. 形质指标的大小顺序是健康状况,干型、生长势、树皮性质和结实等级;

    And the order of quality index was health condition , stem form , growing power , tree face quality and fruiting yield .

  24. 3种榆树苗均表现出较强的耐旱性,但岩榆、南方岩榆生长势表现比白榆更强;

    Three tree species had stronger dry-resistance ability , but growth potential of rock elm and southern rock elm was stronger than U.pumila ;

  25. 浙江天台华顶山云锦杜鹃古树林生长势减弱,开花指数减少,衰退现象正在加剧。

    The increasingly deterioration such as reducing growth potential and flower number of Rhododendron fortunei of Mount Huading , an ancient tree , was observed by investigating .

  26. 从物质释放、植物生长势、生物区系和水质改善效应四个方面考虑对不同基质材料进行了比较实验研究。

    In this article , intercomparsion of several different vegetate materials was discussed from contaminations release , growth potential , biotic province and improvement effects of water environment .

  27. 试验结果表明,在甘薯组织培养中液体培养不降低无菌苗生长势,对无菌苗生长有一定促进作用,适合于甘薯无菌苗的快速繁殖。

    The results from the test showed that the liquid culture could improve growth and was suitable for fast reproduction of sterile cuttings in the tissue culture of sweetpotato .

  28. 田间试验结果表明,将种苗进行分级栽种后,出苗率、生长势、株高、根系鲜重和干重与种苗级别具有显著或极显著的相关性。

    Field test results showed , Germination rate , growth , plant height , root fresh weight and dry weight had significant or very significant correlation with seedling grades .

  29. 本文研究了不同树龄、不同生长势、不同季节的情况下,古白皮松的超氧化物歧化酶活性及脂质过氧化产物两二醛的含量与植物衰老衰弱之间的关系。

    The relationship between the senescence of old Pinus bungeana and superoxide dismutase activity and lipid peroxidation malondialdehyde content in different tree age , growth potential and season was studied .

  30. 对蔬菜进行嫁接,能有效防止土传病害的发生,增强生长势,提高抗逆性和品质,增加产量。

    The application of grafting can effectively avoid soil disease happening , enhance the growth of grafted plant , and improving the resistance . It can also increase the yield output .