- 名physiological age

The physiological age of Anopheles HYRCANUS sinensis in the Canton area
Synergistic Effect of Temperature and Cotton Physiological Age on Fibre Development
Thus , telomeres are considered a marker of biological age — that is , the age of a person 's cells , rather than the individual 's chronological4 age .
GnRH stimulation test of each case in PPP group was negative , bone age was the same with chronological age .
and realise he 's older than me in his body .
I mean , considering the bioiogicai age .
There was no difference of plant canopy and photosynthesis between varieties and physiological ages .
I 'm a bit upset because my bio-age is higher than my real age .
Galina has a bio-age of 69 , but she 's only 62 years old .
The relationship between the physiological age of Culex fatigans and its transmission of Wuchereria bancrofti
Study on the Early occurrences and Age-compositions of the Overwintered mesquite , Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles
While we cannot control our chronological age , we do have control over our biological age .
It is now known that psychological age correlates more closely to biological age than chronological age .
This is a dimension-changeable matrix model in which its dimensions can be changed according to the changes in environmental temperatures .
In general material , the chlorophyll content of annual tuber is significant higher than others which exclude bulblets . 7 .
In conclusion , the results of this research indicate that the diversity of intestinal flora is closely related to human age .
Conclusion Physiological age and psychologic tolerance are two important factors affecting the outcome of surgical treatment of lung cancer in the elderly .
The physiological-age of the seed tuber are influenced by the bud-age of potato seed tuber ( the sprouting time of seed tuber ) .
From jointing to heading , the assimilate supply factor and the physiological age of tillers were used to calculate the decrease of tillers .
The main factors affecting them include genotype , medium , the development stage and physiological age of leaves , dark incubation , et al .
At the normal temperature conditions , there were double effect of temperature and physiological age of cotton plant on fiber thickening development and fiber strength .
The woman pays attention to the man 's mental age very much , in fact , mental age is really more important than physiological age .
After the method about how to calculate the appearance age is given , the relationship among the calendar age , appearance age and physiological age is demonstrated .
The factors affecting adventitious bud regeneration from leaves include genotype , the source of explants , the development stage and physiological age of leaves , culture conditions and antibiotics ;
The results of the present study combined with previous findings are discussed indicating that older age in combination with higher intelligence increase ability to pass the theory of mind tasks .
They concluded that chronological age and health of heart arteries ( arterial age ) are not the same and that you cannot assume someone 's risk is higher or lower based on age .
Objectives The aging status of workers in different work categories was assessed with biological age ( BA ) that was divided into physiological age ( PhA ) and psychological age ( PsA ) .
Now , many countries decide whether a minor should bear criminal responsibility based on their physiological age and mental age , and emphasize whether their mental are mature and have an ability to identify and control their behaviors .
On the other hand , tomato model parameters like physiological age , branching order and so on can be used as a criterion of similarity , which was easy to build instanced objects and to connect with radiosity model .
Objective To study the electrophysiological properties of postsynaptic neurons from layer ⅱ - ⅲ in normal rat visual cortex during the critical period of visual plasticity and its relationship with age and visual experiences and to explore the synaptic and cellular mechanisms of experience-dependent plasticity in visual cortex .