
  • 网络aesthetics of life
  1. 李渔的生活美学思想有其积极的现实意义,但也有其个人和时代的局限性。

    His aesthetics of life has positive significance for the present as well as the limitations resulted from the thinker himself and his times .

  2. 李渔生活美学的形成深受晚明发达的商品经济和个性解放思潮的影响。

    Li Yu 's aesthetics of life was profoundly influenced by commodities economy and the trend of liberation of individual personality in late Ming Dynasty .

  3. 论艺术参与现实生活美学建构的方式

    On Means of Art 's Participating in Aesthetic Construction of Real Life

  4. 首先辩证的介绍了生活美学的当下定义。

    Firstly , it gives a dialectical definition of the performing live aesthetics .

  5. 魏微的异:身体叙述、生活美学与叙事伦理

    Comment on Wei Wei 's Paradox of Body , Daily Life and Narrative Ethics

  6. 设计使生活美学化;

    Some think design is from life ;

  7. 琉璃工房&一种生活美学的实践

    Colored Glaze Workshop-Practice of a Life Style

  8. 广告话语方式是日常生活美学化的内在机制;

    The discoursing pattern of advertising is the internal mechanism of the aestheticism of daily life .

  9. 李渔《闲情偶寄》中的生活美学对《红楼梦》的影响

    The influence of life aesthetics in sketches of idle pleasure on the story of the stone

  10. 摘要消费社会促生了以“物质审美化与审美物质化”为核心的日常生活美学。

    The consuming society favors the living aesthetics whose core is " material aestheticized and aesthetics materialized " .

  11. 生活美学是理论美学的现实基础,理论美学则为生活美学提供理论支持。

    Life aesthetics is the basis of theoretic aesthetics , while theoretic aesthetics is the theoretic providers of life aesthetics .

  12. 一切从自我需要出发&浅析《闲情偶寄》以人为本的生活美学思维

    Everything Proceeds from " Self-Demand " & Simply Analyzing Xian Qing Ou Ji the Life Aesthetics Thought Regarding Persons as the Cardinal

  13. 银泰百货以“传递新的生活美学”为经营理念,致力于向年轻消费者和新型家庭提供一流的购物体验。

    Intime is positioned to " BRING YOU NEW LIFESTYLE " and is devoted to delivering premium shopping experience to young consumers .

  14. 打破常规,为冰箱工艺引入全新的生活美学设计理念已成为冰箱发展潮流趋势。

    Breaks free from the convention , introduces the brand-new life aesthetics design idea for the refrigerator craft to become the refrigerator development tidal current tendency .

  15. 这为我们研究李渔的美学思想提供了一个新的契机,这就是李渔的生活美学。

    The change of aesthetics opens a new way for us to study Li Yu 's aesthetics , that is , Li Yu 's aesthetics of life .

  16. 传递生活美学,体现时尚态度和艺术理念,是银泰百货一直努力向顾客传达的信息。

    Delivery of modern life aesthetics , reflecting the attitude of fashion and art concept are what Intime Department Store has been trying to convey to their customers .

  17. 或许更应该说在丰富的感官享受的消费文化里,孕育出各种生活美学的品味,精淬然后升华。

    Or perhaps one should say that in this consumer society chalked full of immense sensory pleasures , a number of different aesthetic paradigms for life have been born and refined .

  18. 进而论述了新的美学对象观之于美学的意义,特别是为与之关联更为密切的生活美学提供了建构的合法性依据。

    And further , expounds the significance of new esthetics object view to the esthetics , and provides a basis to construct life esthetics that is related more closely to the former specially .

  19. 文章联系近年提出的生活美学概念,对革命文化试图沟通审美活动与生活世界关联性的美学努力给予了梳理,并在此层面上名之为革命生活美学。

    The article quotes the concept of " life aesthetic " putting forword in recent years to sort out the aesthetic efforts of the relationship between aesthetic activity and life world , in the sense of which this article named it for " Revolutionary Life Aesthetics " .

  20. 快乐哲人李渔生活美学思想有三个重要特质:以人为本的生活审美,顺时而变的创新为美,简朴实用的雅中求美。

    The aesthetics practiced in living of the sage of happiness Li Yu has three important characteristics : aesthetics in living based on the needs of man , innovation for the sake of keeping abreast of the times , and practicability and simplicity of seeking beauty from elegance .

  21. 这不仅是现代管理的需要,也是现代生活和美学自身发展的需要。

    This is not only the needs of modern management , but also of modern life and aesthetic self-development needs .

  22. 突破传统美学为中心的限制,走向生活环境美学的普适性;

    The second one is to break through the limitation centered on traditional aesthetics and develop the universality of real life environmental aesthetics .

  23. 作为淮河流域文化孕育出的民间艺术,花鼓灯携南北文化之特质和农业社会之根本,汇聚了人们对生活的美学和文化理解。

    As a folk art breeden by Huai River Basin , Flower-Drum carries with north and south culture and then agricultural society civilization , collect aesthetics and cultural understanding to the living .

  24. 新寓言小说作家有意间离艺术和生活是与美学中的距离说有关系的。

    That new fable novelists seperate art from life is connected with the distance theory in the aesthetics .

  25. 现实生活决定了美学意境只能是一种有着诸多缺陷的残缺的美,这是我们创造新的平衡和完美的基础和动力。

    The real life determines that the artistic conception can be but a beauty of imperfection with a lot of defects .

  26. 中国古代美学和古希腊美学都是和谐美的典型,但是二者又有很大不同。它们产生的社会结构、生产生活方式、美学理想和个体幸福观都有很大差别。

    The ancient Chinese aesthetics and the ancient Greek aesthetics are the representatives of the harmonious aesthetics , but there are such differences as the social structures , their life and production styles , their aesthetic ideals and their opinions of individual happiness .

  27. 这种生活方式对于中国美学具有重要影响。

    This life style made an important influence on Chinese Aesthetics .

  28. 艺术与生活形式成为分析美学取之不竭的活水源头。

    Art and life form become inexhaustible source of living water of analysis aesthetics .

  29. 文化人格美学是以“美学地活着”为本真存在方式的、具有鲜活生命情怀和浓郁生活气息的人生美学。

    With the " aesthetically living " as its originally being , cultural character aesthetics is the aesthetics of life with fresh vital affection and the full-bodied life impressiveness .

  30. 人与环境的和谐、生产与消费的适度、劳动与休闲的节奏,是我们创建美的生活必须把握的美学、哲学尺度。

    It is necessary for us to follow the aesthetic and philosophical standard-harmony between man and environment , moderate production and consumption , and the rhythm of work and leisure .