
  • 网络Ecological medicine
  1. 《黄帝内经》生态医学思想的现代意义研究

    Modern Study on Ecological Medicine Thought of Huangdi Neijing

  2. 生态医学的创立和发展秉承了和谐的生态文化和天人一体、物我一如的生态哲学。

    Establishment and development of ecological medicine takes the ecological culture of harmony and ecological philosophy of harmonization between man and nature .

  3. 在生态医学中,致病性生态因子包括生物性的和非生物性的。

    Ecological pathogenic factors includes the biological and non biological in ecological medicine .

  4. 对生态医学模式的思考

    Thinking on Ecological Medical Model

  5. 生态医学已认识到人的健康、疾病、寿夭都与其生存环境的变化影响紧密相连。

    Ecological medicine has been recognized that human health , diseases , life and death are closely linked to its environmental changes .

  6. 《黄帝内经》含有丰富的生态医学思想,可以解读为一个完整的、朴素的生态医学体系。

    Huangdi Neijing is full of ecological medicine ideas . It can be understood as a complete and simple ecological medicine system .

  7. 大生态医学&21世纪医学发展的战略走向

    On the Medical Models in the Big Ecological Enviroment : The Strategic and Developmental Orientation of Medical Sciences in the 21st Century

  8. 目的:从《黄帝内经》(以下简称《内经》)生态医学思想理论出发,研究六淫致病性质、特点及发病规律。

    Objective : This thesis , beginning with ideological theory of Ecological Medicine of Huangdi Neijing ( hereinafter referred to as Neijing ), discovers the traits of disease and pathogenesis caused by six pathogenic factors .

  9. 在对中西医学比较研究过程中,认识了中西医学各自的优势和局限;探讨了在大生态医学模式下二者互补的必要性和可能性,以及医学价值观的重建。

    In the process of the contrasting studies between Traditional Chinese Medicine and modern medicine , the paper recognizes their superiority and localization , and explores the necessary and probability of the complementation between them under the large ecological medicine model along with the rebuilding-up the viewpoint about medical value .

  10. 生态大系统医学思想、个体化医学思想和未病医学思想是具有中医特色的三大医学思想。

    Ecosystem medical thought , individual thought and prevention medicine idea are the three thoughts with Chinese medical characteristics .

  11. 主要从事生态伦理、现代医学伦理研究,是德国功利主义的代表。

    He mainly works on environmental ethics and modern medical ethics research and he is a representative of utilitarianism .

  12. 本文通过阐明土著语言在语言学,传统知识在生态、农业、医学等方面的现代价值,旨在说明土著语言与传统知识在现代社会中的重要地位,起到进一步引起世人共同关注的作用。

    This thesis , expatiating the native language and modern value of traditional knowledge in agriculture , medical science and ecology , demonstrates the important role it plays in modern society , focus the attention of people furthermore .

  13. 生态环境问题日益尖锐,生态学发展方兴未艾,并与各学科进行了不同程度的交叉融合,生态医学成为了其中一个重要的分支。

    Eco-environmental problems are increasingly acute . Ecology has been developing , and had varying degrees of integration with various subjects , then ecological medicine has become an important branch of it .