
  • 网络growth equation
  1. 广义Schumacher生长方程的推导及其应用

    Derivation and Application of the Generalized Schumacher Growth Equation

  2. 应用-3/2法则及广义Schumacher生长方程导出同龄纯林自然稀疏过程中密度随时间变化规律新模型,采用遗传算法对非线性模型参数进行最优估计。

    Based on the famous-3 / 2 power rule and generalized Schumacher growth equation , a mathematical model for the density change of even-aged pure stands with time during self-thinning process was presented , and the genetic algorithms was used to fit this nonlinear model .

  3. 在此之前的增长模式符合于Logistic生长方程。

    Prior to this pattern of growth in line with the logistic growth equation .

  4. 结果表明,籼型三系杂交稻产量形成的主要性状发育进程符合Logistic生长方程。

    It indicated that the developmental patterns of the main traits of yield formation was fitted to Logistic growth equations .

  5. Richards方程的分析和一种新的树木理论生长方程

    New Theoretical Growth Model Based on Analysis of Richards 's Equation

  6. 三端口四态变量CNN原理在肿瘤生长方程中应用

    Applications for Local Activity of Three-Port CNN with Four State Variables to the Equations of Growth of Tumor

  7. 该文简述了Richards生长方程的可塑性,以毛白杨、华北落叶松、刺槐与斑克松的生长资料,讨论了描述林木生长过程的适用性。

    The growth data of the poplar , larch , black locust , and jack pine are employed to demonstrate the flexibility of Richards equation .

  8. 用Logistic生长方程拟合各解析木数据表明:胸径、树高和材积速生期分别出现在9~12,9~14和15~17年生左右。该林分尚属生长旺盛期。

    Based on the DBH , the result from tree hight and timber volume data of analysis tree with Logistic increment equation showed that fast growing stage was 9-12 , 9-14 and 15-17 year-old for DBH , tree hight and timber volume respectively .

  9. 幂指数生长方程及其在林木生长分析中的应用

    Power-exponential equation of growth and its application on analysis in forest growth

  10. 反演在骨生长方程参数识别中的应用

    Applications of inversion in parameters identification of bone growth equation

  11. 含时空关联噪声生长方程的标度奇异性分析

    Anomalous scaling of the growth equations with spatially and temporally correlated noise

  12. 圆锥形雹块生长方程和热平衡方程的初步研究

    Preliminary research on equations of growth and heat balance of conical hailstone

  13. 遗传算法的群体模式多样性与模式生长方程(Ⅰ)

    Population Diversity and Schema Growing Equation in Genetic Algorithms (ⅰ)

  14. 基于主成分分析法的温室甜瓜生长方程研究

    Research on muskmelon growth formula in greenhouse based on principal component analysis

  15. 6种生长方程在杉木人工林林分直径结构上的应用

    Application of Six Growth Equations on Stands Diameter Structure of Chinese Fir Plantations

  16. 基于生长方程的虚拟大豆拓扑结构建模方法的研究

    Modeling of Virtual Soybean Topology Based on Growth Function

  17. 理论生长方程对杉木人工林林分直径结构的模拟研究

    Approach to theoretical growth equations for modelling stands diameter structure of Chinese Fir Plantations

  18. d+1维生长方程的奇异动力学标度性质研究

    Anomalous dynamic scaling of the ( d + 1 ) - dimensional growth equations

  19. 修正后的城市系统异速生长方程实证研究&以大连市为例

    Modification of Urban Allometric Growth and Cobb-Douglas Function : & A Case of Dalian

  20. 大兴安岭林区针叶林的生长方程及火灾林木死亡率

    The growth equations of conifer forest of Great Xing an Mountain and change of tree mortality rate by forest fire

  21. 理论生长方程在林分直径结构领域的应用具有重要的理论和实践意义。

    The application of theoretical growth equations to the field of stand diameter structure has important significance in both theory and practice .

  22. 利用方差分析,建立株高与地径、侧枝数生长方程,为生长管理提供理论依据。

    Based on the analysis of variance , the regressive equations between the height and diameter , branch number were also built .

  23. 为了完善作物形态结构动态模型建立的方法,在基于生长方程理论建模的基础上,提出了可控式模型的建立方法。

    To improve methods on crop structure dynamic model , the paper put towards controllable structure model on the base of growth function .

  24. 采用样地编年序列法,并利用生长方程计算不同林龄云南松的个体生物量、种群生物量、地上生物量和地下生物量的变化规律。

    The methods of plots arranged with age and growth equation were used to calculate the individual , population , aboveground and underground biomass of Pinus yunnanensis .

  25. 该文提出的自竞争方程,是在单个植株的生长方程中加入相互作用项,将同一种的个别植株之间的相互竞争作用反映到植株的生长过程中来。

    A self competition equation , which is based on individual plant growth equation with some competition interaction term between two plants of same species , is presented .

  26. 根据林分平均胸径生长方程和其他林分生长因子的相关规律,探讨编制兴安落叶松天然林可变密度收获表的方法。

    Variable density yield tables of Dahurian larix are constructed based on growth equation of average stand DBH and relationship between average stand DBH and the other stand attributes .

  27. 鉴于天然林的生态、经济价值,本文以东北东部山区的部分主要树种为研究对象,采用生长方程回归分析、分段拟合判定以及年轮分析的方法,探讨不同坡位邻体影响半径的变化。

    With the method of growth equation regression analysis , partition fitting determination and growth ring analysis , our study discussed neighborhood influence radius at different slope in natural secondary forest .

  28. 选用渔业资源评估模型,估算未建立生长方程的增殖放流种类的生长参数及其自然死亡系数,以及增殖放流种类的合理放流数量。

    The growth parameters and natural mortality coefficients of the enhancement species that hadn ′ t been built the growth equations were estimated and the suitable enhancement amounts of all enhancement species were estimated by choosing the suitable model of fishery stock assessment .

  29. 溶剂&非溶剂法重结晶细化级配HNS的实验研究确定了反应结晶和溶析结晶过程中晶体成核和生长速率方程。

    Experimental Study on Recrystallization Thinning and Gradation HNS by Solvent Anti-solvent ; The nucleation and growth rate equations of DSP were determined by non-linear regression analysis .

  30. 观赏性花卉无土栽培条件的生长动力学方程的建立

    A Growth Kinetic Equation for Several Ornamental Plants Under Soilless Cultivation Condition