
  1. 建筑机械产品生产许可证制度实施中的几个问题

    Some Problems in Carrying out the System of Construction Machinery Producing Licence

  2. 关于实行民用飞机材料生产许可证制度的建议

    The Proposal Concerning Practising the System of Production Certificate for Civil Aviation Materials

  3. 为了使我们的建议更有说服力,我们进一步从经济法理论的角度对我国的工业生产许可证制度进行了分析,对加强我国生产许可证制度建设也提出了相应的建议。

    Further , the article has analyzed the industry production permit system of our country in terms of economic law , has put forward the corresponding suggestion .

  4. 论文确立了该法应设置生产许可证制度、节能质量认证制度、重点工程审批制度等七项基本制度。

    Then , the paper establishes seven basic system of the law , such as production permission , quality certification for energy saving , examination and approval of key projects .

  5. 而通用核仪器标准的贯彻实施还须从企业外部加强核仪器的行业归口管理,健全质量监督机制,实行生产许可证制度。

    The implementation of standards for general nuclear instruments shall also enhance the professional management of the nuclear instruments , strengthen the mechanism of quality supervision and actualize the license system of the products .

  6. 介绍了石油企业实施产品生产许可证制度的现状和作用,提出企业在实施产品生产许可证工作中存在的问题。

    This paper introduces the current situation and function of the product manufacturing license system implemented in petroleum industry . It is also stated in this paper about the problems in the manufacture pro-cess .

  7. 目前,随着市场准入制度和工业产品生产许可证管理条例等制度的逐步完善,我国食品安全的监管体系已初具雏形。

    At present , along with the market access system and industry production permit act gradually consummated , our country food security super - vising and managing system has initially presented the embryonic form .

  8. 2003年起,我国对方便面开始实施食品质量安全市场准入制度,而企业申领《食品生产许可证》是该制度的关键一步。

    Science the year of 2003 , China started to implement the rules of food market accessing in accordance with product quality . For the food enterprises , the key step is to apply for the granting of " Food Production Lience " .